The protesters are supporting this

Gonz said:
freako104 said:
and im wrong how?? war kills people. thats why im against it. thats why i blame all who are involved. not saying that i dont support our troops i do and i feel they are doing the right thing by getting rid of sadam im just against war in general.

freak104inanotherthread said:
George Washington: liberty and freedom were worth dying for and still are

Now I'm just confused

just because i dont believe in war doesnt mean i dont believe in freedom. id rather live free than be strapped down to what others want kind of thing.
chcr said:
Uh... My opinion?

Unless you're able to make those "unknown factors" known to me and explain exactly how they function to shift the blame for the war away from Saddam, I cannot consider them. Indeed, there's nothing to consider except an empty claim. You might as well be telling me that there are pink unicorns on Mars.

chcr said:
My point was, in my opinion, trying to blame Saddam alone for the war in Iraq is an oversimplification of a complex situation.

And my point is that you have to demonstrate the complexity, not just assert it.

chcr said:
You and I don't know, will never know all the facts

If you don't know them, how do you know they exist? How are you able to assert absolute knowledge of their existence and absolute ignorance of their nature in the same breath?

chcr said:
so a sweeping generalization like that, while it sounds dramatic, is really unsupportable.

It's not a sweeping generalization. It's not general and it doesn't sweep. It's a very specific: Saddam is responsible for the war, and the deaths that occur because of it.

chcr said:
For instance the French and Russians, who sold Saddam weapons in open defiance of the UN don't share responsibilty?

Not for causing the war, no.... Well... I'll tell you what. There probably is an argument to be made that the French and Russians encouraged Saddam's defiance of disarmament by not taking a tougher stance against him. On the other hand, it might be that Saddam would have still chosen to go down fighting, and we would've just had the war sooner. I'm not absolutely certain about that though. I have no doubt that Saddam is the primary culprit, but I'll let you bring the French and Russians up on charges of aiding and abetting if you want.
freako104 said:
just because i dont believe in war doesnt mean i dont believe in freedom. id rather live free than be strapped down to what others want kind of thing.
But you're opposed to helping other people get their freedom? ?(
Ards, this is something we will never agree on. Believe what you like, goodness knows I will.
I can see both sides. Practicality says Ards is correct. What we don't know could be as absurd as Martians helping out or as simple as Russia supplying them with weapons for oil.

There are too many variables with an unknown. Remove the variables & it's really quite simple.