The Real Brains Behind the Leader of the Free World

Every time he doesn't have the teleprompter he ends up stepping on his dick.

Of course, because he is a flamin' Liberal, he will get a pass like Gore did on his "extra chromosome" remark.


Obama Compares His Bowling Score to Special Olympics on 'Tonight Show'

President jokes about being a bad bowler during his appearance on the 'Tonight Show' and ends up insulting the disabled. "It's like the Special Olympics," he quipped.


Friday, March 20, 2009

President Barack Obama might have rolled a gutter ball on NBC's "The Tonight Show."

Toward the end of the interview on Thursday, Obama told host Jay Leno he's been practicing at the White House's bowling alley but wasn't happy with his score of 129.

Leno complimented Obama on the score, but the president quipped, "It was like the Special Olympics or something," which prompted laughter from the audience.

Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton said the president's offhand remark was not meant to disparage the Special Olympics, only to poke some fun at the commander-in-chief's bowling skills.

VIDEO: Click to watch the remark via YouTube

"He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world," Burton told reporters flying back to Washington with Obama aboard Air Force One.

A call for comment to a Special Olympics spokesman was not returned late Thursday.
that's pretty funny. yeah the gipper had some great lines.

it's nice that you took some time off from the leather bars to come visit us. please stop in again, soon. you can leave your chaps on if that's more comfortable for ye.
But please, please wear underwear.
0bama on Leno

It would appear the dims have a history with the Special Olympics:

no, it's just his (admittedly ill-formed) opinion.

if you're going to call someone a liar, you might want to have a little more behind it. otherwise, you're just crying wolf.

Not a lie nor an ill-informed opinion.

I guess you've both forgotten the "punished with a baby" comment. He didn't have a teleprompter then either.

He also didn't have one for the Stephanopolous interview where he stumbled and said "my Muslim faith" and Stephy had to interject "Your Christian faith".

He didn't have a teleprompter when he made the gaff about his uncle liberating Auschwitz.

Speaking in New Mexico on Memorial Day, Obama said a great-uncle had helped to liberate the Auschwitz death camp at the end of World War II. "I had a uncle who was one of the, who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps," Obama said (a YouTube clip of the remarks quickly went viral online).


That may be a fact, the RNC noted gleefully -- but only if Obama's uncle had served in the Red Army of Joseph Stalin, which liberated Auschwitz on Jan. 27, 1945.

Obama's campaign said yesterday that he had erred in naming the camp but not in describing the role of his great-uncle, who partook in the liberation of Buchenwald.

He didn't have a teleprompter when he said that our soldiers lives have been wasted.,CST-NWS-sweet13.article

Obama regrets saying soldiers' lives 'wasted'
Apologizes for remark in Iowa campaign stop

February 13, 2007
BY LYNN SWEET Sun-Times Columnist
DURHAM, N.H. -- In his first stumble, White House hopeful Barack Obama on Monday took back words from the day before, when he said the lives of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq were "wasted."


During his first press conference as a presidential candidate at Iowa State University, Obama, discussing his opposition to the Iraq war, said the war "should have never been authorized, and should have never been waged, and on which we've now spent $400 billion, and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted.''

I can surely find more but I think you get my point.

Not a lie and not an ill-informed opinion. Just common knowledge that some here refuse to acknowledge or choose to forget.

Without the teleprompter he is a joke.
"One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

"I'm telling you there's an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans, again. There just is. That's the reality of the world. And I wish him all the very best." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

You Do realize that there's a book based solely on Bushisms..and it's 168 pages long?
Not a lie nor an ill-informed opinion.

It's one or the other Jim. Obama speaks far and away better than the previous pres with or without a teleprompter any day of the week. But somehow you thought that trainwreck was ok.
yeah that's great jim. it's still your lousy opinion.

god forbid if somebody mistakes auschwitz for buchenwald. golly, and i was hoping it was treblinka or dachau all along.
Everybody flubs a line or puts a foot in it on occasion. :shrug:

Hell, remember this one?
Reagan said:
"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."
It's one or the other Jim. Obama speaks far and away better than the previous pres with or without a teleprompter any day of the week. But somehow you thought that trainwreck was ok.

Nice comeback ... Neener, neener, your guy did it too!!!