The right war, in the right place, at the right time

I have always known that any person that couldn’t understand
why after 9-11 we HAD to free Iraq from Saddam were folks
that are dangerously ignorant of world history and geopolitics.

Now we have a President who falls squarely into this category.
Like all democrat Presidents in recent history, his foreign policy
decisions will result in disaster.

I hear the USSR will be open soon
As vacation land for Lawyers In Love
vastly unlike the brilliant foreign policy of his predecessor, of course.

That is very accurate Minks.
We won in Iraq.
Boosh followed a war policy of making Afghanistan
a sideline, a Special Forces human game hunting ground.
No one ever 'wins' in Afghanistan.
Due to the highly asymmetrical nature of the war on terror
to adequately prosecute it all we need is ready access
(which we lack in Pakistan) to go places and kill people at our whim.
Nation building or anything resembling 'Victory' in
Afghanistan is impossible.
We just need to be able to go places and kill people.
Anything Obama does there can easily be spun to make him look bad.
But his lack of any clear mission to accomplish in that country
makes our side's job of making him look bad all too easy.
Dems can't fight their way out of a testicle lockbox!

Clearly Osama is wearin’ the right colour hat!

Historically a symbol out of the old west, a black hat designates the bad guy, a white hat the good guy.

wow. i never imagined that. so then DARTH fucking VADER is a bad guy, too?

nah but seriously let's pretend it's not obama in the white house. now, would you agree that, when committing the lives of thousands of americans and billions of dollars, one should look before they leap?

oh right but it's about that jerky obama in the black hat, not about what, in principle, is the right way to do things.
wow. i never imagined that. so then DARTH fucking VADER is a bad guy, too?

nah but seriously let's pretend it's not obama in the white house. now, would you agree that, when committing the lives of thousands of americans and billions of dollars, one should look before they leap?

oh right but it's about that jerky obama in the black hat, not about what, in principle, is the right way to do things.

Its good that he will be looking at it after the Af-election then?
wow. i really can't give much thought to these ideas about dithering now, since we've been dithering without a real strategy there for YEARS.

The strategy was working...stand strong & assist the Afghanies in creating a new government for themselves.

Eight years of fighting the only leader to stand up to these people in two generations followed by a liberal victory gave the enemy a shot of deja vu to Vietnam. They stood back up because they knew the fight was over. A new leader was in town.
I have always known that any person that couldn’t understand
why after 9-11 we HAD to free Iraq from Saddam were folks
that are dangerously ignorant of world history and geopolitics.

Iraq was no threat to us. Simple.

Historically a symbol out of the old west, a black hat designates the bad guy, a white hat the good guy.

Yeah right, guy goes to buy a hat. Shop keeper says "are you a bad guy or a good guy?" guy says "I'm bad" shopkeeper says "You need a black hat then" :laugh: