The right war, in the right place, at the right time

Nope, the strategy wasn't really working.

Obama's strategy for Afghanistan
US President Barack Obama promises a new deal for Afghanistan. In his review of the strategy to deal with terrorism there, he unveiled a comprehensive set of measures to build the nation. Let's see how these are different from Bush's strategies
CJ: moreanuj

Mon, May 25, 2009 18:15:54 IST

White House says Obama strategy will win Afghan war

GUADALAJARA, Mexico (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday that President Barack Obama has a "winning" strategy in Afghanistan and enough forces on the ground to achieve U.S. goals despite advances by the Taliban.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:40pm EDT
Obama's strategy isn't working. He hasn't one.


If we could just him to honor the men and women still over there fighting.
yes, it is time, after many years, to actually have a strategy.

the only reason we're even talking about this is because obama brought the conversation up, as he's been talking about it since well before he was president.
"In reviewing McChrystal's bracing assessment of the war, the president and his senior advisers have concluded that the Taliban cannot be eliminated as a military and political force, regardless of how many more troops are deployed."

hmmm seems the general planted that seed. but why should the president listen to the military?
McChrystal is saying he wants more troops for the win. :shrug:

McChrystal, who took command of the 100,000 U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan in May, is promoting a plan that calls for concentrating forces around urban areas to better protect the Afghan population and pulling back from remote regions. His idea calls for speeding the training of Afghan forces, expanding civilian efforts to improve Afghan governance and starting other long-term programs to win the support of the population that the insurgency draws from.
golly we've never really needed clear objectives in the past... what's this obama fucker trying to do here?
if winning is the clear objective, but can't be met (according to some)
what's the Obama plan B objective.
Is there one?
yeah that's the kind of thing they are studying at the moment. but that's kind of a lot to expect, i mean, a PLAN B, when previously we didn't even have PLAN A...
plan A was to win, but the strategy, apparently didn't work, and still isn't.

the current thing that looks like plan B is the Pakistanis take on more themselves,
which should have happened long ago.
I don't know exactly what sparked that, but it's a good thing imo.

Ousting Karzai seems to be another part, but I'm not sure on that yet.
I personally liked Abdullah Abdullah better.
Always thought he made a lot of since.
I think he probably Knows the situation better than most people.
oh, and I think many people considered winning to be capturing of killing
Bin Ladin.

That seems pretty clear not to have happened.
Win what exactly, Cato?
A straight one state vs. another state war - you can say that one country won. The other surrendered.
This isn't as easy. It's a state vs a group of people with a shared ideology. The people live in different countries, ignore borders and standard rules of war.

Capturing Saddam didn't stop the war in Iraq, capturing Osama bin Laden might be a coup for the current administrations involved in the 'war'., but it certainly won't stop or win the war.
so cato it seems like in both respects then the war in afghanistan has so far been a "FAIL."

well then it's a good thing that obama's looking to evaluate it and make some changes, eh?
depends on what those changes are, and if they work.

He said he'd get um. Let's see it.

imo where bush messed up was on the "with us or against us" thing.
Not backing it up.
Pakistan clearly wasn't 'with us', or they would have let us do what needed doing Then.
Take out waziristan, for one thing. Similar to what they are doing now.

Piss on the tip toeing around.
but we're not talking about those changes, whatever they may be, so a conditional answer ain't really gonna cut it.

but yeah, i fully agree, fuck the pussyfootin' and get a move on.