The right war, in the right place, at the right time

Af-Pak Schmaf Pack, as long as terrorists are unable to effectively field
weapons of mass destruction they will only be a minor nuisance.
Whats a train station or a coupla skyscrapers here and there anyway.
Now light off a low yield nuke and generate 150,000+ casualties,
that would get em to sit up and pay attention!
The Iranian/NKorean nuclear programs pose far greater threats than a buncha
eighth century primitives hiding in caves in northwest Pakistan.
You need 8th century primitives to carry the goods to population centers.
The centrifuges, infrastructure and engineering skills
plus the protection, promotion and support of a sovereign state
with massive oil revenues, now that’s where the focus
should lie.

The primitives would be of no help in such an undertaking.
lax security, a neutering of our CIA and the Clinton years
allowed box cutters of all things to become
weapons of mass destruction, sheesh!

It isn't in the least bit odd that we've not had a replay of 9-11
but Barack Osama Hussein seems hell bent on changing
that too!

His bet, that would be a great way to get re-elected!
But you've got another thing ‘coming’

boy ;)
caring man who followed the tenets of his Islam faith...Fellow imams said he was generous and a good brother

after firing at agents and resisting arrest. Agents wanted him on charges of weapons violations and conspiracy to sell stolen goods,

Mr Rogers was Clyde Barrow?
so like how many nations have to be involved before that is declared?

It'd have to be declared a war in the first place, I suppose. Like in Nam, f'r instance.

Nam was far closer to a war, but even that doesn't count as a World War.

You need BIG players on both sides for it to be considered a World War.
China invading Russia with the USA taking one side over the other.

I wonder which side the USA would take.
then I'd have to guess that I'm not talking about wwiii:shrug:

Cato said:
There will need be other operation for the foreseeable future throughout the world.
On what scale I don't yet know, after that certain event. what 'other operation' are you talking about, Cat?'re sometimes pretty tough to follow.
oops, the should have read 'operations' (plural).

How the crap would I know what, and where said operations need be?
I'm not in the intel business.
One would have to look around.
Where has al-qaeda setup shop? (or other terrorist orgs.) there's a list of um
So you're more talking about individual operations vs. group(s) in different parts of the world rather than a single large-scale operation.

It's been going on that way for decades, with a degree of success and failure. The spyvspy game will be going on for quite some time to come...

The 'bad guys' have learned the lesson of the past - keep quiet, hit fast, hit hard and de-centralize. With enemies such as this, your military is innefective. Best to shift your budget towards intel/counter-intelligence. Bolster your NSA/CIA/FBI, tak the hit to your personal freedoms and hope for the best.
All the smart-bombs in the world aint' gonna get it there...that'll take a lot more signals intel, a few bribes and maybe a black op