The right war, in the right place, at the right time

it certainly sums up the non-entity that was the 'strategy' for 8 fucking years.

as to hussein, which one you talking about girlfriend?
We already know what Obama thinks about winning wars.

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur."
-Barack Obama, ABC News interview July 2009

"I'm not interested in victory but solving the problem."
-Barack Obama answering a reporter's question at the G-20 Summit.
FOUND -- the Strategy

Washington: Facing a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan, the Obama administration seems to believe in a "buyout" formula which involves paying the militants to leave the outfit and reintegrate to the society.

Hours before attending a solemn event to receive the flag-draped cases of 18 Americans killed in Afghanistan arrived at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, President Barack Obama signed a USD 680 billion defence appropriations bill, which will pay for military operations in the 2010 fiscal.

The bill includes a Taliban reintegration provision under the Commander's Emergency Response Programme, which is now receiving USD 1.3 billion. CERP funding also is intended for humanitarian relief and reconstruction projects at commanders' discretion.

Some experts on the region believe a US programme to pay Taliban fighters to quit the militant organisation is buying temporary loyalty, CNN reported.

The "buyout" idea, according to the Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is to separate local Taliban from their leaders, replicating a programme used to neutralise the insurgency in Iraq.

But Nicholas Schmidle, an expert on the Afghanistan- Pakistan region for the non-partisan New America Foundation, said that while the plan has a "reasonable chance for some success," the old Afghan saying -- "You can rent an Afghan, but you can't buy him" -- will eventually be borne out.

The bill comes as an uptick in violence claimed the lives of several American troops in Afghanistan.
"The "buyout" idea, according to the Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is to separate local Taliban from their leaders, replicating a programme used to neutralise the insurgency in Iraq."

gee, wonder who came up with that idea in the first place?
"The "buyout" idea, according to the Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is to separate local Taliban from their leaders, replicating a programme used to neutralise the insurgency in Iraq."


The program used in Iraq wasn't viewed as the answer, as it apparently is in o's line of thinking. Sure, a payoff may work in Chicago, but what else has he applied to A-stan?

The program in Iraq was used in conjunction with al-Sadr's unilateral cease-fire against the occupying forces in Iraq

as well as

the increase in the number of US forces AKA "The Surge."
yeah, thanks for posting that jim. it's refreshing to see someone engaging less in masturbatory flag-waving and bullshit ceremony and actually focusing on objectives.

Does BHO actually have an objective in A-stan?

I didn't say that woulds be the end of the war. Just that it'd be a Win in the battle
that would represent a certain closure to the towers coming down.

There will need be other operation for the foreseeable future throughout the world.
On what scale I don't yet know, after that certain event.

That's my take on it, and I think many others also.
You're not thinking of WWIII or something equally dramatic, I hope.

Osama bin Ladin is likely dead...he's too damned quiet not to be. I'm afraid that this closure won't be happening anytime soon, especially if another event happens.
Dems always fail in this arena.

Boosh and his minions understood what the proper
approach to Af-Pak was, our side can bash Hussein
till his term ends as Dems never have a clue how
to protect from enemies foreign nor domestic.

The program used in Iraq wasn't viewed as the answer, as it apparently is in o's line of thinking. Sure, a payoff may work in Chicago, but what else has he applied to A-stan?

The program in Iraq was used in conjunction with al-Sadr's unilateral cease-fire against the occupying forces in Iraq

as well as

the increase in the number of US forces AKA "The Surge."

ORLY? that's obama's main thing huh? you must have a direct line to the whitehouse then.

so then it's back to
dummy dummy dum dum obama don;t have no strategy
(but a non-strategy was fine when we had our home tam idiot in the white house)