SnP said:
Acting out against the President, or the troops, has never been a just cause. It's acts from members of Congress, as in the point of this thread, or accusations by those who don't have the whole story that get my panties in a bunch. Al Franken, Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Clinton, among countless other, including our own spike & flavio, can't, or won't, allow a natural conclusion to this.
They have undermined the efforts at every turn. They have forced doubt into every decision. They have ridiculed & cajoled & intimidated & derided until the general public has thrown up its hands in disgust & walked away. They, those who claim support while showing animosity towards our military, have weakened US morale while enhancing the enemys. They have given aid & comfort to thsoe who wish us harm (including our destruction). They have decided their political preferences outweigh the safety of our soldiers.
Afghanistan, like Iraq, was only a battle in a much larger war. Iraq is a linchpin, both physically & regionally, to stabilizing the entire region. With threatened victory came the outsiders. Iran is a serious threat to us & to the energy needs of the world. Yet, as long as we have people willing to degrade our decisions & repeatedly question the efforts, Ahmadinejad knows that he is safe to provide arms that harm our troops, as well as develop a full scale nuclear weapon program that will prove to be a major power shift in the world.
GW Bush told us. We heard him. We agreed. Now we're tired yet the enemy is still growing fat off our detractors. In WW2, we fought the Germans. We fought them in France & in Egypt & in Poland. It wasn't until the end that we fought them in Germany. The current enemy has no homeland. Why do you think we're fighting them everywehere while trying to provide a single battlefield?
Peace at any cost is not peace. It's surrender.