Yea, a great idea. Tell the enemy when we'll leave. If they just bide their time, instead of giving up, they now know we're not in it for the long haul.
Yea, a great idea. Tell the enemy when we'll leave. If they just bide their time, instead of giving up, they now know we're not in it for the long haul.
If the politicians/decision makers don't release the information first, they'll be accused of being secretive and/or liars.
It's inevitable.
This is not about Iraqs self sufficiency. It's about telegraphing our intentions. 1975, as our Hueys were lifting off the embassy in Vietnam, the Cong were slaughtering hundreds of thousands. Right up the street, Pol Pot adding his name to the million man (doubled) Genocide roster.
If they aren't ready & if we tell the world we're gone on X date, one way or the other, a humanitarian crisis will ensue.
But it was once. Funny how the justifications keep changing. If you need to keep justifying something then it probably wasn't justified in the first place, now was it?
Re Pol Pot, we were never in Cambodia (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Re the Viet Cong, etc, whose fault was it, the people who refused to keep fighting a war based on lies or the original liars? Gulf of Tonkin anyone, anyone at all?????
I'm sorry, but I call.
I've said this before, too. If you or anyone else truly in your heart believes that we as citizens are privvy to 1% of the information available to elected leaders you are deluded. You and your "right to know" simply are not that important.
Are there leaks? Undoubtedly.
me said:It's virtually impossible for the 'departure' plan to not get published.... hell, the moment one troop in Iraq knows the departure date, the news'll go stateside (family), then to the press, and within 24 hours, the insurgents will know about it.
Speaking only for myself, I vote for various candidates to do various jobs for me. Blowing a saxophone while wearing cool wrap around shades is not one of those things. Protecting me from Islamofascists who want to decapitate me simply because I have the wrong religion is.
Looks to me like we're spending the money and getting the dead bodies. It's a bargain!!!!!