The Stab a Soldier in the Back Act 2007


molṑn labé
Staff member
WASHINGTON - The Democratic-controlled House issued a symbolic rejection President Bush's plan to deploy more troops Iraq on Friday, opening an epic confrontation between Congress and commander in chief over an unpopular war that has taken the lives of more than 3,100 U.S. troops.

The vote on the nonbinding measure was 246-182.

So, instead of telling our troops we believe in them, our honorable Congress members decide to tell them, "Hey, Dudes & Dudettes, wanna relive the Vietnam fiasco?" Good, so do we.

Step one towards defunding.
I found it interesting how they stayed in session past midnight several nights in a row for a "nonbinding resolution."
More like the Dems sending a message to Bush.

"You didn't do it right the first time and it cost us the lives of 3100 you want to send more? As if"
It's a good thing Canadians don't get a vote on our military practices.

I agree that there have been mistakes made. Plural. But I submit that some of them came about from political hand tying. Is President Bush 100% correct in this matter. Not only no but hell no. Show me a leader who ever has been. And unlike some, I prefer to try and do something over doing nothing. Change is an active process, not a passive one.

This could have been a done deal over a year ago. It isn't. That's a mistake. Give the military the go ahead to end this and they will.
More like the Dems sending a message to Bush.

"You didn't do it right the first time and it cost us the lives of 3100 you want to send more? As if"

Yep, that's showing some real support for the troops :thumbup:
But I submit that some of them came about from political hand tying.

:confused: The Administration had unfettered support ,hell even the Dems supported the Invasion,even now Bush likes to point out he doesn't need any authority other than his own in Iraq.How could anybody see him as his hands being tide when he himself doesn't.
To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq Oct 10, 2002


Resolution 1441

said stop Saddam.

They don't have a timetable.

Bish said:
"You didn't do it right the first time and it cost us the lives of 3100 you want to send more? As if"
Considering that over 7000 men were killed in a WW2 training accident, I'd say this war is phenomenal in its low death rate.

The demoncrats & a not a few repugnicans have forever soiled their name for political interests. Let's hope folks are paying attention.
To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq Oct 10, 2002


Resolution 1441

said stop Saddam.

They don't have a timetable.

Considering that over 7000 men were killed in a WW2 training accident, I'd say this war is phenomenal in its low death rate.

The demoncrats & a not a few repugnicans have forever soiled their name for political interests. Let's hope folks are paying attention.

If that was directed at me ,it just further proves my point that there was no "from political hand tying"

Bush likes to point out he doesn't need any authority other than his own in Iraq.

He likes to use the "they voted for it " so its their fault too and the UN declaration ,but as of January 2007 he has said

"I fully understand they could try to stop me from doing it. But I've made my decision. And we're going forward," Bush told CBS'"60 Minutes" in an interview to air Sunday night.

and from Cheney
"He's the guy who's got to decide how to use the force and where to deploy the force," Cheney said. "

so you see ,its HE who is responsible ,not "Political hand tying".
There is ONE United States Commander in Chief. Not 535 (House & Senate) GW Bush is the final & only authority, as long as he remains President.
The demoncrats & a not a few repugnicans have forever soiled their name for political interests. Let's hope folks are paying attention.

This war was for political interests and obviously not any threat to the US. Yes, the people who mislead the public into it have soiled their name and worse.

Thankfully folks are paying attention now which is why most US citizens are against sending more troops to Iraq.

Yay, congress is listening to what the people want. :toast:
There is ONE United States Commander in Chief. Not 535 (House & Senate) GW Bush is the final & only authority, as long as he remains President.

And thats why I was pointing out to SNP that the failures in IRAQ are not a result of political hand tying, especially as up until January 2007 he had the unquestioned support of both the House and Senate.Thanks for helping to prove my point.
Where, or more correctly, what, are the failures? The Hussein family is no longer a threat to its people or those outside Iraq.

The untold story on the rebuilding that is taking (and has taken) place is one of the greatest coverups in history. On top of that rebuilding effort is a combination Iran & terror group led insurgency inciting sect based bloodshed. In the event of our premature departure, we will see a reeneactment of the Cambodian Killing Fields in the desert.

More troops? That's up to the Generals & the CiC.

A stab in the soldiers back is a low point in American history.
Guess you don't remember the reports of the troops fashioning their own vehicle armor due to lack of proper equipment. I do.
Didn't look like it to me. Words and deeds are two different things. We all know about politicians and their words. Usually both are equally useless.
Guess you don't remember the reports of the troops fashioning their own vehicle armor due to lack of proper equipment. I do.

Now if that ain't stabbing a solder in the back I dunno what is.

"Dear soldiers:

Hi! we're going to send you into a shitty region of the world, in order to... (fill in the blank with some reason, possibly made-up), and to achieve that task, we'll provide
-less troops than you need
-less equipment than you need
-less permissions than you need to fight a "war"

and, as an add-on bonus, we really haven't done our homework in understanding the area we're sending you into, so our strategies will flounder for a while, and a buncha you will get blown up and shot... but you'll figure out what to do..."

sorry gonz, despite your impassioned accusations of backstabbing in 2007 - launched from a couch in indiana no less - the real, foundational betrayal happened quite some time ago. and whatever nonbinding imaginary resolution the dems wanna push doesn't change that, and while it ain't exactly cool, it's superficial bullshit, not at all having the gravity of the original betrayal.
Guess you don't remember the reports of the troops fashioning their own vehicle armor due to lack of proper equipment. I do.

Where do you think that the acronym SNAFU comes from? In Normandy, the hedgerows were a severe problem for allied tanks. Until the soldiers took it upon themselves to create a solution. As long as there's warfare and "men in authority", there'll be industrious fixes to battlefield problems.