The (stupid) things we do...


Well-Known Member
Ok...once...i couldn't get a bottle of crazy glue opened so i used my teeth. Yes i crazy glued my lips shut. Well, half shut. The point is that you should never taste fingernail polish unless you absolutely have to!
Once whilst climbing to the top of a 7ft nursery slide with no shoes on, I decided it would be much fun to slip and fall face first onto some gravel.

Mmmmmm... grated face...
Err stupid things? In which year? :laugh:

- accidently walked into an electric fence.

- this is more silly than anything, but I loved breeding silk worms

- eat something in a Chinese restaurant in the East which I couldn't identify... found out it was frog

- yelled, screamed, and cussed a customs agent out

- made out in public in a country where it is illegal for guys and girls to touch in public

- collected scorpions with a cup and twig

- kissed a guy naked in the showers and managed to make everyone fall down (yes that was a mistake and stupid, I didn't plan it out)

I don't think I want to go on. People might think I only do stupid things.
Once, while drunk, I ran straight into a dumpster--12 stitches in my head.

I was riding on the handlebars of my sister's bike, got my foot caught in the spokes and went flying headfirst, screaming the whole way, into the blacktop--three broken teeth.

I tried to bite rock candy--one broken tooth.
Nice of GF. I was being chased around a van once when i was a kid. Hauled ass full speed right into the vans mirror. Complete closeline and the mirror didn't even budge. My mom has the best(worst) one though. When she was a kid whe was running down this steep hill with a sucker in her mouth and ran into this kid at the bottom of the hill causing the sucker to get shoved down her throat. That's not all, the next day she went running down the same hill with a sucker in her mouth again and ran into the same kid and again the sucker was shoved down her throat. No shit.
stupid? :confuse3:

you mean something like having lived all my life with snow and ice, yet going gaily out the door with flat soled loafers on, and gallivanting onto steps that I know are covered with a couple inches of ice, and then wondering how the heck I went ass over teakettle?

is that what you meant? :tardbang:

or how 'bout when Justintime was deep frying in only boxers? ;) :D
Leslie said:
how much do you think he's gonna kick my ass for telling that one? :bolt:

If he hurts it, I'll kiss it and make it better. :brow:

Sounds like it should be pretty tough by now though, judgeing by your steps. :bolt: