Well-Known Member
That's the missing link! The dinos were extinct because they were to big to fit in the ark! I can't believe they didn't think of that before... 

AlladinSane said:That's the missing link! The dinos were extinct because they were to big to fit in the ark! I can't believe I didn't think that before...eepwall:
chcr said:Freak, most of the scientists who study and expound evolution consider themselves "christian." Does that surprise you?
BeardofPants said:Racism?![]()
They're calling adaptation "racism" now?![]()
chcr said:Oh look, a comic book. I stopped reading them when I was twelve.![]()
freako104 said:I tend to believe in evolution since it is what I was taught was right. Plus there has been some proof of it though it is still a theory. There are some facts to back it
Why am I not surprised.Gotholic said:I still love to read them...
Gotholic said:I once followed Evolution blindly. That is because I was never exposed to any evidence that contradicts it. Indeed, there is much evidence that is repressed by the school system...
Gotholic said:I once followed Evolution blindly. That is because I was never exposed to any evidence that contradicts it. Indeed, there is much evidence that is repressed by the school system...
Clearly, when you look around you you are seeing something very different than what I see.Gonz said:The evidence for creationism would be all around you.
Oh, and once again, Darwin's theory has nothing whatever to do with whether we evolved or not, he simply postulated a mechanism by which evolution has occured (that being natural selection).freako104 said:I do not see how you follow something blindly if there is evidence to back it. and Darwin from my knowledge had nothing to have racism and evolution be connected. I havent found any evidence at all for creationism.
Lopan said:but its fairly easy to see that creationism is a story told at a time when hardly anyone read and the authors knew diddly squat about the world.
Lopan said:Creationism is just a story with a moral much like the rest of the bible and very similar to Aesops fables, yet do you consider that a sacred text?
SouthernN'Proud said:Considering the author is the One that created you, that's pretty bold.
I would hate to be you someday. Maybe before that happens you'll reconsider.
Lopan said:God's only real through human consensus.
He's talking about gaps. The statement is that one day, there will be an evolutionary leap from homo sapiens sapien (today) to homo sapiens superior (assumed name) which is as wide or wider that an existing gap.The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope,
even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon,
instead of as now between the negro [sic] or Australian and the gorilla."
Lopan said:*slaps with glove* then its a challenge. God's only real through human consensus. When you stop believing he stops existing. See defunct religions. Its a bit like Santa and the tooth fairy.
MrBishop said:The Australian one throws me off, as its not a racial group, but a geographic group.![]()