chcr said:
Actually, that turns out not to be the case. Scientific "facts" are overturned only when better evidence arises which proves the accepted fact incorrect. Quite different from "changed to fit the situation on an almost regular cycle."
Whoops...there you go again. In your rush to prove me wrong, you've left yourself open. I'll explain...
How many revisions has the theory of relativity been through since it's inception? Now...According to Einstein, the speed of light is a fact. Also according to Einstein, the speed of light is an impenetrable barrier. Fact. So how come some objects move faster than light? When these objects were 'discovered', the fact was changed to permit this anamoly...i.e. the objects in question started out at the speed of light, and accelerated from that point onward. So much for facts being facts...

...and so much for the supporting evidence. Talk about a failure...
chcr said:
A fact in science does not (and never will) imply an immutable truth. It simply represents a statement that so much evidence supports that it is obtuse in the extreme to withhold provisional acceptance.
Then why the argument over faith? Why constantly tell me, and others who believe in a higher being, that we are, somehow, less because of it?
chcr said:
Example 1: There are four elements, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
Perfectly accepatable explanation given the lack of tools at the time this was postulated. Accepted as fact for centuries, untlil experimentation and study proved it to be incorrect.
Example 2: It is a fact that the sun will rise each morning.
Until the morning it does not.
Example 3: "To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous
as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."
[Cardinal Bellarmino 1615, during the trial of Galileo]
So ignorance was bliss when it came to ancient science? How quick of you to judge those who paved the way for modern science. So they never changed the facts, those facts were replaced. In this case, it's the same difference. Things were changed to fit the situation. All elements existed then, as they do now.
BTW...It was never promised that the sun will rise every morning...
chcr said:
If you want or expect pearls of immutable truth then religion is your oyster. The may or may not be correct but they will be presented as immutable truths. I prefer the relative uncertainty of scientific principle, of cause and effect. I dislike supernatural "explanations" because in my opinion they explain nothing. Simply because we do not understand everything it does not necessarily follow that there are things which are not understandable. Just my opinion.
If you want misleading explanaions based on an attempt to understand the universe instead of just embracing and enjoying it for what it is is, IMO, a complete waste of time and effort. Because you study something, take it apart, and put it back together doesn't lead to understanding, either. You
might understand how it works, but science will never tell you
why it works.