The War is back on

I don't think Cat (or Gonz) would have to be heading to any store prior to plugging.

Many people are assuming that the civilians killed were killed because they harbored the 'bad guys' somehow. Yesterday, a tank took out a building in Iraq because two gunmen planted themselves on a roof and started firing. Who's to say that the owners of that building knew that 'the bad guys' were on the roof? Still doesn't stop a building-full of innocents from dying tho'. It's a shame all around.

So, two guys with rifles somehow magically get onto the roof of your house and start shooting up the neighbourhood. Police arrive and shoot them dead, one of them falls and lands on your cat. Was that the cop's fault?
Cat (Gonz too for that matter)- if an invasion of the USA happened and you weren't already in the military, would you join first, go through basic training and get your uniform and firearm before taking on the invaders or would you go down to the local firearms store, buy an M16 and start plugging away at anyone in a foreign uniform?

Many people are assuming that the civilians killed were killed because they harbored the 'bad guys' somehow. Yesterday, a tank took out a building in Iraq because two gunmen planted themselves on a roof and started firing. Who's to say that the owners of that building knew that 'the bad guys' were on the roof? Still doesn't stop a building-full of innocents from dying tho'. :shrug: It's a shame all around.

I can't join the military. They wouldn't take me.
(does need to get another 30.06):gun4:

foreign uniform? what uniform?
BTW, we are being invaded even as I type this...probably still.

As for the civilians killed, I know there have probably been innocents killed,
and by our forces, but
There is a difference in (accidents, and casualties of war) than taking someone
hostage, and telling them you will kill their family unless they martyr themselves.
So you're saying you don't think there was any oppression under Saddam?

Sure, but every account says that things are no better for Iraqis than before we invaded and worse for the mot part. Besides Saddam has been gone for awhile.

Like I said..."pissed off" yes. Trying to get retribution the wrong way, no.

Right maybe retribution towards the people that killed them.

Oh, I guess you mean the terrorist that invaded from Iran, Syria...:p

The US invaded

So, how is the US using it?
From what I understand, part of that big money spent that you mentioned
is building new, and rebuilding, infrastructure.....for them.

Go watch "Iraq for Sale" if you really want to know.
Spoken as a true appeaser.

I suppose if you had something besides a dumb catchphrase/insult to add you'd do it. Everyone with any sense can see this for what it is now but you're going down with the ship.

Besides who am I appeasing? The Iraqi people, US soldiers, and US citizens. Great.
I don't think Cat (or Gonz) would have to be heading to any store prior to plugging.

So, two guys with rifles somehow magically get onto the roof of your house and start shooting up the neighbourhood. Police arrive and shoot them dead, one of them falls and lands on your cat. Was that the cop's fault?

If someone got on top of my apartment building and the police took out the whole building, yeah it's their fault.
The violence is Iraq is limited to a small section in & near Bahgdad. 95% of the country is not experiencing violence. Maybe if you'd quit appeasing Mutaq al Sadr & his buds the Iranians (read Hezbollah) the violence would end. As long as there's discord among the allies, the enemy has a chance to create a situation like we had in the 60's & 70's when the US began losing credibility because of liberalism.
A trillion or so dollars and tens of thousands of lives to make conditions worse for the Iraqis, increase terrorism, and make America less safe. If you quit appeasing the terrorists we could end this farce and do something useful.

Iraqis Endure Worse Conditions Than Under Saddam, UN Survey Finds

May 18, 2005 – Responses to a detailed survey conducted by a United Nations agency and the Iraqi government indicate that everyday conditions for Iraqis in the aftermath of the 2003 US-led invasion have deteriorated at an alarming rate, with huge numbers of people lacking adequate access to basic services and resources such as clean water, food, health care, electricity, jobs and sanitation.
The stats for civilains deaths attributed to American/Allie forces since major hostilities ended is what again?
US Non Mortal Casualties:

TOTAL - 46,137
As of November 4, 2006
Source: DIOR

Iraqi Security Forces and Civilian Deaths
Period Total
Nov-06 1743
Oct-06 1539
Sep-06 3539
Aug-06 2966
Jul-06 1280
Jun-06 870
May-06 1119
Apr-06 1010
Mar-06 1092
Feb-06 846
Jan-06 779
Most Americans haven't seen the growing legion of wounded troops returning from Iraq who are cared for at military facilities sealed off from the public. The media, in turn, have focused on the hit-and-run guerrilla attacks that claim one or two GIs in Iraq almost daily. Little attention has been paid to the long, difficult and very personal struggles that ensue in wards at BAMC and Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington.

Source: Christenson, Sig. "Soldiers, Marines work to recover from war injuries at BAMC." San Antonio Express-News, 18 Aug 2003. Link

"They come here 19, 20 years old and when I see them leaving, missing limbs -- I've seen up to three limbs gone off people, and I don't think in our generation we've seen this amount of harm done to young people," [Maj. Gene] Delaune says.

Source: Zdechlik, Mark. "U.S. soldier injuries mount in Iraq." Minnesota Public Radio, 14 Sept 2003. Link. Posted 18 Sept 2003.

Explosions shatter and sever legs and arms. They char flesh and drive debris deep into the soft tissue that remains. Unattached muscles, nerves and tendons dangle. Red-hot shrapnel sometimes punctures torsos below waist-length body armor, ripping bowels and bladders. Concussions bruise skulls and brains. Soldiers thrown into the air are injured again when they hit ground.

Source: Wood, David. "Amputees Returning to Duty." Times-Picayune, 12 Oct 2003. Link. Posted 20 Oct 2003.

In the Persian Gulf War, about three troops were wounded in action for every fatality. In Iraq, about seven are being wounded for every one killed.

Bavley, Alan. "New technology and medical practices save lives in Iraq." Knight Ridder Newspapers, 17 Dec 2003. Link. Posted 18 Dec 2003.
Major hostilities haven't ended. Violence is way up in the last month. :shrug:

You got to start finding out some facts on your own too.
I know the facts. I was curious if you do.

Major Hostilities haven't ended? The B17s dropping heavy bombs must be in stealth mode, 'eh? The 4thID has their tanks on run silent run deep?

Terrorists & ba'athists, being supported by Iran, Syria & the the left keep the fight alive.