An American soldier, with a gun, walks up to you as a typical Iraqi citizen and asks, "How do you feel about the Americans being here?" Of course, your most likely answer is bound to be, "Fucking infidels, I hope the insurgency kills them all."![]()
my bro said some of the iraqis were happy they were there, some were not.
who would expect it to be any different?
(note: he worked for the us army fixing tanks, not for gallup or zogby as a pollster, so he didn't provide me with a demographic breakdown)
Do you really want troops in Iraq for the next 40 - 60 years?We're still in Germany & Japan. They're our friends. This can be a similar situation if the left would just shut the fuck up.
Do you really want troops in Iraq for the next 40 - 60 years?
Opening up Iraq to tourists does that last bit. As for the middle bit...isn't that what I just said?Lemme see. US presence in the middle east? US presence in the middle east? Nope, I don't see a problem with it. The US has a presence in most of the rest of the world, and they manage to get along without bombing the shit out of most people. People keep going on and on about how Westerners are supposed to accept the presence of anyone and everyone on their soil. Well, this can be some of the same. All that has to happen is what everyone's agreed needs to happen. The Iraqi army and police need to get their act together and take over policing the radicals. Whether the US forces are there or not. The US forces will obviously be reduced as the effectiveness of the Iraqi forces increases. Should the US forces be pulled out completely? Not in my opinion. The West needs a Presence there. They need to be in a position to show Achmed Q. Public that Westerners aren't automatically demons. A lesson that needs constant and continual reminders.
you need to do some learnin' on the basic nature of war these days. ain't nobody dumb enough to stand up just to be mowed down. or maybe you think war is still big lines of guys firing muskets in unison, at other lines of guys trying to reload?
the REAL objectives? gee gonz, since you're the powerful and decisive chairperson of the indiana chapter of the vast right wing conspiracy, if you don't know...
Do you really want troops in Iraq for the next 40 - 60 years?
Finish the Iraq military training and the police training, sick them on the bad dudes and get the fuck out....there are other fish to fry.
There's a difference between the Iraqis appreciating our help & them being best buds. None of those I've spoken with said the Iraqis wanted us to stay & have their babies. They all spoke of general gratitude to their updated government & assistance to oust Saddam. They'd like their streets free of Army Convoys (wouldn't we all) but they understand this will not and can not happen overnight. It's a far cry between not wanting to share spit in the shower & demanding our immediate & complete withdrawl.
Wrong again.
BAGHDAD, Sept. 26 -- A strong majority of Iraqis want U.S.-led military forces to immediately withdraw from the country, saying their swift departure would make Iraq more secure and decrease sectarian violence, according to new polls by the State Department and independent researchers.
Well when the Iraqis, the US soldiers, and the US citizens want us out it's time to get the fuck out.
Most of the American soldiers.
Just to play your game...
Well when the Iraqis, the US soldiers, and the US citizens want us out it's time to get the fuck out.
Just to play your game...