The wells are a burnin'

Really?... Been watching CNN for hours on end and haven't heard a word about it. Im not reading the script going by along the bottom.
I'm not surprised, they said there were alot of explosives near them, and Saddam is going to use anything he can to deter us.
Can't watch CNN at work, and the news sites are dreadfully slow. :(
3 or 4 is nothing. If we make it through this with less than 30 or 40 being torched we'll be extremely fortunate.
It does for the Iraqi's, and we'd rather not have to support them all for the next ten years. With the oil, they will be able to support themselves.
flavio said:
What do we care? Oil has nothing to do with it.
Oh c'mon. Oil is about the only thing the Iraquis have to rebuild their economy. Burning wells also happen to be slightly bad for the environment.

Just because you may not care doesn't mean we don't. Or are you just once again taking a polarized stance beating your chest and trying to take pot-shots at those who you don't agree with?
It is the only thing they have. Without it they'd all starve to death. A ridiculous assertion. There's plenty of valid arguments to go around. I don't think we need to be grasping at such ideas, it makes one appear desperate.
Actually I read somewhere there they're a big exporter of dates.
Really doesn't compare to oil though.
flavio said:
What do we care? Oil has nothing to do with it.
I used to give you the benefit of the doubt ... until now. That is the most utterly short sighted and stupid thing I have ever seen written in a month.

For the U.S., oil has nothing to do with it. For the Iraqis it it 90% of their income. Their survival is based upon the infrastructure being left as intact as possible ... for we will have to foot the bill in rebuilding the damn things.
HeXp£Øi± said:
It is the only thing they have. Without it they'd all starve to death. A ridiculous assertion. There's plenty of valid arguments to go around. I don't think we need to be grasping at such ideas, it makes one appear desperate.

I'm having trouble interpreting your post. Are you responding to me, or flav?

Let me rearrange it.

A ridiculous assertion. There's plenty of valid arguments to go around. I don't think we need to be grasping at such ideas, it makes one appear desperate. It is the only thing they have. Without it they'd all starve to death.
unclehobart said:
flavio said:
What do we care? Oil has nothing to do with it.
I used to give you the benefit of the doubt ... until now. That is the most utterly short sighted and stupid thing I have ever seen written in a month.

For the U.S., oil has nothing to do with it. For the Iraqis it it 90% of their income. Their survival is based upon the infrastructure being left as intact as possible ... for we will have to foot the bill in rebuilding the damn things.

Their oil wells were fine until we started attacking them. We knew this would happen, so it should have been taken into account in the untold billions that the war will cost us.
Yep, their oil wells were fine, only the PEOPLE of the country were getting NO benefit from them at all. Now they will.
outside looking in said:
flavio said:
What do we care? Oil has nothing to do with it.
Oh c'mon. Oil is about the only thing the Iraquis have to rebuild their economy. Burning wells also happen to be slightly bad for the environment.

Just because you may not care doesn't mean we don't. Or are you just once again taking a polarized stance beating your chest and trying to take pot-shots at those who you don't agree with?

Bingo! And I ain't surprised.