They don't like free speech

Inkara1 said:
My favorites: the Bob Ross one, the Andy Warhol one and mohammed+hp. :D


Bob Ross said:
We don't make mistakes here, we just have happy accidents.

Moscow museum to exhibit Mohammed cartoons

MOSCOW, Feb. 7 (UPI) -- A Moscow museum has announced it will exhibit the entire series of cartoons of Mohammed that have caused riots throughout the Islamic world.

Yury Samodurov, director of the Sakharov Museum and Public Center, said on Russian television that the center was ready to organize a public exhibition of the cartoons satirizing the founder of Islam that originally were published in a Danish newspaper, reported Monday.

"We must show the whole world that Russia goes along with Europe, that the freedom of expression is much more important for us than the dogmas of religious fanatics," Samodurov said.

The exhibition reportedly will open in March. Lawyer Yury Shmidt has said he will invite French philosopher Andre Glucksmann and French novelist Michel Houellebecq to the opening ceremony to read lectures about the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.

In 2003 the Sakharov Museum outraged many Russian Orthodox believers with the art exhibit "Be Careful -- Religion," which many felt was insulting to their beliefs.
I may have to re-title this thread "They don't like Westerners to have free speech"

While Muslims across the world have rioted in the past week against countries whose newspapers have published cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, there was no uproar when the same caricatures were prominently displayed in an Islamic newspaper four months ago.

The images featured in Denmark's Jyllands-Posten in September were reportedly featured on the cover and inside pages of Egypt's al-Fagr (the Dawn) in October, during the holy month of Ramadan.

According to the Freedom for Egyptians blog, al-Fagr included the cartoons on the front cover and page 17 of its edition dated Oct. 17. The headline, when translated, is said to read: "Continued Boldness. Mocking the Prophet and his wife by Caricature."

Like most people, they assume freedom of speech is their freedom to say what they want to say and everyone else's freedom to shut the fuck up. :shrug:
Civilized people express their anger by peaceful demonstrations and boycotts of offensive material and their sponsors.

In the world of Islam, protests are registered with bombs, bullets, dead hostages, mob violence, and persecution of "unbelievers".

Muhammed goes Ka-BOOM:

Gonz said:
American papers won't carry a few crudely drawn cartoons because it may upset the Islamic radicals but Sony Pictures has no problem pissing off some Christians, expecially Catholics. Where's the rioting?
While I understand the point, if they took their heads out of their asses perhaps they might notice that the book is a novel and therefore the movie is based on a novel and the stuff they find so offensive was made up out of whole cloth by some french guys in the 1950s. Of course, as far as I'm concerned the earlier work it refers to is also a work of fiction, but I recognize that they don't think so. I truly suspect that Dan Brown is laughing his ass off and proud to get all the free publicity.

Note that muslims rioting over some badly drawn cartoons should take their heads out too.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
A novel, a drawing...tis all fiction. Yet one crowd burns & destroys & the other pisses & moans.
you're right, north americans only riot over IMPORTANT things

in Oakland, California in 2003 when fans rioted and destroyed property after the Oakland Raiders loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Super Bowl XXXVII.
Don't miss the boat on this argument. It's about religious fanatics, not sports idiots.
Gonz said:
American papers won't carry a few crudely drawn cartoons because it may upset the Islamic radicals but Sony Pictures has no problem pissing off some Christians, expecially Catholics. Where's the rioting?

They probably won't riot but will try to use what power they have and influence they have to stop others from buying the book or to protest outside theatres. What I find strange is that the movie and book are not based in fact or Bible