This gripes the shit outta me

i'm using a free dell as server...i'd never spent any money on them. especially not after reading this.

Nah, thats not so bad as what they do with their mother boards and their power supplies. thats why I hate them. not the I ever had a dell dude ;)
eew, i was thinking of getting a dell someday, their commercials make them seem really great, imo.
but now i'm seriously rre-thinking that.
If you look at the quality of the Dell internet box my brother-in-law had (before his soon-to-be-ex-wife dropped it and broke it), it's a surprise they don't use prison labor to make new systems, too. The thing always had problems, even before it got dropped.
I don't think private enterprise should be able to use prison labor for 30 cents an hour. Might as well hire illigal immigrants.
I will however be purchasing a dell laptop this month because they are so cheap.
Yes i'm a hypocrite.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I don't think private enterprise should be able to use prison labor for 30 cents an hour. Might as well hire illigal immigrants.

I will however be purchasing a dell laptop this month because they are so cheap. Yes i'm a hypocrite.

first part: My thoughts exactly :)

second part: shame on you :bash:
Is everyone going to take their license plates off their car also because people who are in prison made them? Just wondering. ;) :D
But that was made by the state (the license plate). The state collects revenue from that. But the state also pays for their 'housing' and the rest of their 'room and board' so I don't see anything wrong with that. We would all pay more taxes if they didn't make em! What does piss me off to no end is that if you want to buy a 'normal' power supply and you connect it to a dell motherboard, you just bought a new motherboard. That is why I hate dell. Also, I did some work on my uncle's dell, and every time I open up one of those cases I really have to laugh. Dell is something else. Dell, compaq, HP, etc etc, they are all so creative. Aparently they don't know what a 'standard' is. They all have their own.

I'd buy a dell notebook too, hell, I did worse, I bought a compaq notebook. Notebooks are a different issue they are ALL proprietary! Besides, did dell even build it? I thought ODMs made most notebooks, and Dell, HP, comcrap, etc etc only bought someone elses work and sold it as their own. Maybe dell doesn't do this, but I'd be surprised if they didn't! So in fact, in this case, you aren't even buying a dell. So you don't have to feel so bad about it.
RD_151 said:
What does piss me off to no end is that if you want to buy a 'normal' power supply and you connect it to a dell motherboard, you just bought a new motherboard. That is why I hate dell.

I never knew that, really? We have mostly all Dells at work and most of them are still under warranty also so whenever PS's go bad, it's Dell who sends me the replacement.

Yeah, I don't think the proprietary nature of computers will ever change. They all want to be unique so they make more money off of everyone in the end. I heard Compaq got in trouble for that years ago, being they took it to an extreme, but I don't know if that's true either. I've never read anything on it.
I don't know about compaq, but there were several articles about about Dell purposely making the connections the same 'only different' so that they will connect, and you can plug everything in, only that after you do, you need new mobo as well as that new PS from dell. Nice of em isn't it.

Compaqs never fail to make me angry either, only its for different reasons. Everyone has one it seems and everytime somebody asks me to take a look at their computer to see whats wrong its always a comcrap (if it was a 'normal' PC i wouldn't mind). They are such a pain in the ass to deal with. They are maybe the most proprietary PCs I'm aware, but I don't see that many so i may be wrong about that. I hate them though, the most!!! I made it a rule a while back to ask if it was a compaq or not be for I offer any assistance ;)
I don't really see the problem with this. Most of the time if a private industry is using prison labor, the prison is getting something out of it too, so these guys are actually helping to pay their own way. That's not bad. Plus, it keeps these guys out of general population most of the day so they aren't sharpening their toothbrushes or trading their bitches. Again, that's not bad.

Dell does do some proprietory stuff, but there again, I can't really blame them for that either, if I was that big, I would too. :shrug:
does dell still pull that crap with proprietary PSU pinouts? i was boycotting them for their DRM support.
One of the biggest buyers of Dell systems is the USAF. We buy by the thousands because they're cheaper. I've only bought one complete system in my life because I don't like proprietary, so I have no personal experience with Dell. I do have a problem with the systems the USAF got from them, though. Seems like more than a few of them develope HDD problems...some right out of the box. :eek5: I guess those annoying interns are getting in the way at their assembly plant. :D
we have a hell of a lot of dells too. Sadly thats what I have at work and I'm writing this on even now :( Everywhere you look there is a dell, its like a sea of dells, thousands and thousands of them. Its horrible!

Not that the others are any better though. When you need em by the thousands you are gonna buy an OEM I guess. Its most cost efficent probably. Oh well.
We have all Dells at work too. I have seen quite a few video cards and monitors go bad.