This guy is so fired

Just which knuckleheads get to deem themselves "better men", anyway?

Probably not the ones who display their thanks to the US military by giddily spitting on them, those men and women who risk their lives to provide an umbrella of safety under which the said same are happy to take shelter. :shrug:

Boy, :rolleyes: talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
Probably not the ones who display their thanks to the US military by giddily spitting on them, those men and women who risk their lives to provide an umbrella of safety under which the said same are happy to take shelter. :shrug:

Boy, :rolleyes: talk about biting the hand that force feeds you.

fixed it for you.

Do you back away since it didn't or is not likely to become a threat to you personally, or do you step in.


Me! Me! Me!

You ask them: please just stop. Ask them: what did I ever do to you? Tell them: here---take this and just leave. Please.
It's a hypothetical about how people react when family, friends, fellow countrymen are threatened. Do you back away since it didn't or is not likely to become a threat to you personally, or do you step in.

so it's like you are living your life, and all of a sudden you are invaded, cause the guy who ran your country was an asshole, but it didn't affect your life, but now these new guys have roadblocks, and guns, and some questionable practices.
so it's like you are living your life, and all of a sudden you are invaded, cause the guy who ran your country was an asshole, but it didn't affect your life, but now these new guys have roadblocks, and guns, and some questionable practices.

It is an unfortunate circumstance in life that in order to get to that "asshole" you have to invade. It is impossible to run a war and not kill civilians. Anyone who says otherwise is liar. It is even worse when the "assholes" are using the civilians to hide behind and want you to shoot the civilians. That is why the Geneva conventions don't cover them.

Bottom line, as a great man once said: "It good that war is so terrible, lest we should grow too fond of it."
That is why the Geneva conventions don't cover them.

Bottom line, as a great man once said: "It good that war is so terrible, lest we should grow too fond of it."

IT's the Geneva convention part that bothers me, if it was a just war, and the US where the good guys, the Geneva convention would stand, if it doesn't then the US is just as evil as anyone it attacks (referring to the ruling bodies of course, the US soldier is to be commended for doing a tough job to the best of their abilities)
....but it didn't affect your life....

I'm sure that's why he got 100% of his people's votes. And also why he was the only candidate. :shrug:

"Our leader President Saddam Hussein, may God preserve him and look after him, has won 100 percent of the votes of eligible voters," said Saddam's top deputy Izzat Ibrahim, reading official results at a news conference in Baghdad. Saddam was the only candidate in the referendum.
I'm sure that's why he got 100% of his people's votes. And also why he was the only candidate. :shrug:

yes, he was an asshole.

yes he should have been removed from power.

through legitimate means.

elsewhere in the world there are other assholes of the same nature who are not being removed from power by these same means, and some are being backed, through back channels by the US government.
IT's the Geneva convention part that bothers me, if it was a just war, and the US where the good guys, the Geneva convention would stand, if it doesn't then the US is just as evil as anyone it attacks (referring to the ruling bodies of course, the US soldier is to be commended for doing a tough job to the best of their abilities)

You're too modest.

IT's the Geneva convention part that bothers me, if it was a just war, and the US where the good guys, the Geneva convention would stand, if it doesn't then the US is just as evil as anyone it attacks (referring to the ruling bodies of course, the US soldier is to be commended for doing a tough job to the best of their abilities)

Actually the Geneva Conventions are standing. As I said earlier, if you are caught fighting out of uniform, you are "specifically exempted" from the protections of the Geneva Conventions (and rightfully so). Now, how we want to treat illegal combatants is open for debate. If we want to use them as bayonet holders, I won't lose too much sleep over it. That is because I know these are not heros "fighting the good fight", they are terrorist and are doing everything they can to add to that civilian casualty count that you have been lamenting.
No more than a friendly neibour would do, though if you think I am in love with my own government, you have not seen my voting record. I love my country, as every Canadian should, does not mean I agree with every decision that is made, and if you think that is bad, we have done a lot worse.
Actually the Geneva Conventions are standing. As I said earlier, if you are caught fighting out of uniform, you are "specifically exempted" from the protections of the Geneva Conventions (and rightfully so). Now, how we want to treat illegal combatants is open for debate. If we want to use them as bayonet holders, I won't lose too much sleep over it. That is because I know these are not heros "fighting the good fight", they are terrorist and are doing everything they can to add to that civilian casualty count that you have been lamenting.

Terrorist vs Freedom fighters.

the forever argument.

Now where these people terrorists before the US invaded, or a by-product of the invasion.

If you invaded my home, I would not have a uniform, as I am not in the military, but I would fight any invading force with anything I had. (Remember Red Dawn? where they terrorists?)
Terrorist vs Freedom fighters.

the forever argument.

Now where these people terrorists before the US invaded, or a by-product of the invasion.

If you invaded my home, I would not have a uniform, as I am not in the military, but I would fight any invading force with anything I had. (Remember Red Dawn? where they terrorists?)

Would you be the one that ran into a house and shot the people inside if they tried to leave and then run your attacks from there? Would you be the one that strapped bombs to five year olds and then told them that the friendly soldier has candy for them so you could blow them up when they got close? If you think these people have anything to do with freedom fighting, you are delusional. I have watched them drive your civilians out to the desert and then execute them while they were tied up (and not always cleanly with a gun either!!). Never, ever try to compare these people to homeland defenders!! Very few of them are Iraqi. These people are sadistic sociopaths that have found a place to get their jollies!!
These people are sadistic sociopaths that have found a place to get their jollies!!

Would you be the one that ran into a house and shot the people inside if they tried to leave and then run your attacks from there? Would you be the one that strapped bombs to five year olds and then told them that the friendly soldier has candy for them so you could blow them up when they got close? If you think these people have anything to do with freedom fighting, you are delusional. I have watched them drive your civilians out to the desert and then execute them while they were tied up (and not always cleanly with a gun either!!). Never, ever try to compare these people to homeland defenders!! Very few of them are Iraqi. These people are sadistic sociopaths that have found a place to get their jollies!!

no, but I would be the one to set up road side bombs.

You are getting the extrimist mixed up with the generel population.

I have not heard many reports of iraqis using their children to kill US soldiers.

Mostly it is guerilla tactics.