This is only a test


Southern Discomfort
Gonna be gone this weekend. Going hiking. Major hiking. For the first time since the mohunkin surgery.

I ain't sure I can physically do it. I'll know by Sunday though dammit.

I keep learning more about the surgery I went through. If what I'm told is accurate, 100 people could have it done. 30 or so live a year. Of those, maybe 2 have any semblence of a normal life.

I'm fairly active. I work. I garden. I fish. I'm gonna find out if I can hike. I eat what I please within limits, just smaller portions. I still have pain, and I still have days when I can't eat without forcing myself to do it. But they're rare.

A nurse friend of mine who I went to high school with told me that my present circumstances would be comparable to around 130 people walking into a room and 1 walking out, and I'm the one. I don't intend to waste that. I was given this level of recovery for a reason. It's mine to take advantage of or to squander.

So into the forest primeval I go. Got about 35-45 miles planned total with frequent stops along the way. Plenty of ascent/descent to keep things interesting. It's about 65% my pre-surgery pace, but it's enough of a test for now.I'm taking the digitalisticalized thingamabobdoohickeywhatsitcameracontraption with me as we are headed into North Carolina's famed waterfall district near Highlands. With any luck I'll be back Sunday evening.

***special release for Gonz***

Speaking of Sunday...that's Tennessee Secession Day. Fly them flags proud one and all. Let the world know we still got unfinished business. Whistle Dixie. Spit on a $5 bill. Throw pennies at transplanted yankees. It's fun. Deo vindice and that hopefully right soon.

...and posting pictures on here bright and squirrelly Monday morning :D

Sounds like a grand old time to me... fling a pine cone at some hapless woodland creature for me :p
I have returned.

Didn't get to hike as much as we would have liked due to trail repairs and a minor glitch I encountered. We managed around 22 miles though. Breath taking country. But it's a millionairre's playground, so I won't be back anytime soon. Think Aspen or Cape Cod. Nauseating. I quit countin Benzes at 200.

Lord was it hot. I think that's what got me down physically. I stayed hydrated well enough, but it gots to me innards all the same. Overall I held up OK though...A- at least.

Gawd am I glad to be back in the land of biscuits n' gravy though...them bean sprout and avacado laced turkey sammiches at $12.95 each was gettin old.

Pics to be uploaded tomorrow.
I have returned.

Didn't get to hike as much as we would have liked due to trail repairs and a minor glitch I encountered. We managed around 22 miles though. Breath taking country. But it's a millionairre's playground, so I won't be back anytime soon. Think Aspen or Cape Cod. Nauseating. I quit countin Benzes at 200.

Lord was it hot. I think that's what got me down physically. I stayed hydrated well enough, but it gots to me innards all the same. Overall I held up OK though...A- at least.

Gawd am I glad to be back in the land of biscuits n' gravy though...them bean sprout and avacado laced turkey sammiches at $12.95 each was gettin old.

Pics to be uploaded tomorrow.

Bean sprout and avacado doesn't sound like something you put on turkey. :eek6: No Subway around there?
One, which we found on the way out. A Wendy's 25+ miles away. That was it.

Well...definitely sounds snooty. Were the houses inches apart, too? I hate that more than anything else...When I buy a house, it has got to be on at least 5 acres. Not that I don't like being neighborly, but I don't want to sneeze, and hear my neighbor say 'Bless you"...
Hopefully you were able to ignore the Benz's long enough to enjoy the nature show, SnP.
How were the trails? Cleaner than most, I hope. There's nothing more distracting than trying to take in nature and seeing a Doritos bag on the trail.
Atop Whiteside Mountain, looking toward SC/GA. Damned haze...

edit: Yes, it's a sheer dropoff from where this is taken. Almost perfectly vertical.
Whitewater Falls. Over 400' drop. Can't get real close to it (legally...) and it won't all fit in one image. Absolutely breathtaking site.