This really isn't acceptable is it.

PrincessLissa said:
Honey, I think you got the moral of the story wrong.
It's more along the lines of do not let an emotionally controlling, violent, insecure person into your life then take the blame when he acts like an utter cockbite :)

Wonder if he's still reading?
Remember....theres always 3 sides to every story. Yours, theirs and the truth.....I'm inclined to believe Claire over anything he says if he gets the balls to post though.
K, after much soul searching, deliberation and having read what it is for 2 seconds, I like that idea much better now.
PT said:
Hey fuckwad. Yeah, You. Claires old mate.

Embarrassed huh? You fucking loser.

pretty much sums it up.Claire: he dumped you. but he was an asshole. forget him. he didnt deserve you
BeardofPants said:
Damn, that sounds good. :lol:

Ookay, if my alarm bells were ringing before, they're fucking clanging now. He's been done for GBH, he's mentally abusive, he plays games with your head, he's stalking you online, he left you out to dry when you passed out.... :alienhuh: Erm, can yer say NO BRAINER.

*gives CB HER nikes as well

Em... No BoP he's never been done for GBH... it was an example of what can happen if you get involved with someone who's not forthcoming with the truth until way far too far down the line...

And apparently it was a mate of his who found this... get this... he's not even a member... he just likes to hide as a guest and watch *shudder*
Thanks for the brothers and sisters in arms stuff guys... :hug:

But me thinks it may be best if we let this ride now... its over between him and I... nothing can be done... :shrug:

Thanks for all your concern... :hug:
what the heck is GBH? at first i was thinking GHB and i was thinking "what a dumbass" but now i'm confused.
GBH= Greivous Bodily Harm....higher up on the list than Assault. Means he's prolly taken a baseball bat to someone in the past.
Raven said:
GBH= Greivous Bodily Harm....higher up on the list than Assault. Means he's prolly taken a baseball bat to someone in the past.

No! No! No!

He hasn't... Ade's never been done for GBH or any other violent crime... or crime for that matter!

It was just an example of the ills of dating the kind of person that doesn't tell you the whole truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth within the first few months of dating...

You never know what kind of psycho you're curled up on the sofa beside! :winkkiss: