To the MOON, Alice!


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was the 40th Anniversary of the launch of the Apollo rocket sending three brave men towards the Moon. A challenge set by JFK in 1961 to put a man on the moon ahead of the Russians (within 10 years) was finally realized early.

On July 20th, Neil Armstrong made footprints on the moon for the first time ever.

They got there with technology that had been far surpassed today, and yet we struggle to put men into orbit and wouldn't think of sending men to the Moon again, much less Mars and beyond.

Where has the adventurous spirit of NASA gone? Have the last Shuttle accidents taken away the wind in the sails of our space adventures?
No guts, no glory. Private enterprise should have taken space away from the gov't decades ago.

BTW, dunno if you heard, Buzz Aldrin is in town.
No guts, no glory. Private enterprise should have taken space away from the gov't decades ago.

BTW, dunno if you heard, Buzz Aldrin is in town.

No..I hadn't. I heard that there was going to be a Radio Interview with CJAD, but figured that it was to be a phone interview.
Private enterprise needs to see the profit from it before they can see themselves tossing in Billions of dollars in R&D just for a shot at profit. The 'space tourism' thing is just starting out now, but it's still horribly expensive to send people up.

Space mining might be an interesting way to get private enterprise to press on. Materials recovery from space junk if they can figure out a way to get it back to Earth and still make a profit.
The moon landing was a hoax.


Well some say anyway. I am actually not one but I just had to make sure such folks were represented!
What do you mean?


They cleaned up the broadcast video of the landing. Nasa's got a lot of the video on their home page.
Well I remember that one of the major things was always how they had shadows from two directions. Correct me if I am wrong, but could the Earth not put off enough light from a different direction than the Sun to cause this?
I've seen my shadow by moonlight. The earth reflects a lower percentage, but is a helluva lot bigger than the moon.
My astronomy professor in college went on a nice long rant about the whole "moon landing was a hoax" thing. One thing he pointed out is that the Soviets would have jumped at any chance possible to embarrass the US, and they had just as many eyes on the US as the US had on the USSR, meaning they'd know fully well that it was a hoax.
I've seen my shadow by moonlight. The earth reflects a lower percentage, but is a helluva lot bigger than the moon.

Well you also have to figure in that the light from the Earth is not obstructed by atmosphere since the moon has none, but conversely the light from the sun does not have the "lampshade" effect that Earth's atmosphere provides there, so maybe its enough to create that weird shadow effect.
Its a good thing we can't smack the shit out of trolls like yourself too ain't it?

Even in a civil thread you have to come make an ass of yourself......Classic!

You don't see some humor in a mid-70's former astronaut smacking a moon hoaxer?
You don't see some humor in a mid-70's former astronaut smacking a moon hoaxer?

I would it prof posted it, but you just did so to be your nasty angry spiteful self. I'm not so sure you qualify as a woman either.

I also am an adult and don't actually hit people. There are extreme instances where it is necessary, but you definitely deserve a figurative smack or two of some kind.
I did however give this woman a spanking at a party years ago. She was drunk and swinging on more than one of us trying to fight and she was quite capable at dealing a blow. I spanked her ass like the child she was acting like, and she hates me to this day. Thing is she was embarrassed enough to stop swinging on folks and leave the party.