Tonight, above my house...


Kissy Goddess
...there were some incredible Northen Lights! What I didn't get on the cam were the colorful lights because they would flah by so fast... but these lights were so strong!


northernlightsr.jpg, 51.30kb

wow, i love northern lights.

thanks for sharing those images with us :)
c'mon over, we'll bundle up in a blanket, have a warm drink and watch them! ;)

I'll try not to grope. :eek:
ohhhhh sounds like a good idea, especially the gr......err northern lights :D ;)
That's why I took the pictures, to be sure it wasn't the drugs! :D

Crawl in Squigg... wanna hot toddy?

Anyone else?
That's awesome, I've always been awed by the Northern Lights although I've never been north enough to see them. And yours are green too!! :D
oh Spirit I'm soooooooo jealous! I've gotta get north soon, I'm way missing out.
Trish. Its not that youre not north enough to see them. Its the raw light pollution from the greater Metropolitan area that keeps em invisible. In theory, if I can get enough elevation on a moonless night when the activity is peaking, I could see the aurora down here in Atlanta 3-4 times a year. Meshing perfect darkness with clear skies and a frisky aurora is really only like a 'once every 5 year' kind of thing.

I was looking at the NOAA maps for the coronoa of last nights aurora. If I would have been outside at 10pm on an elevated area north of the city.. I should have seen it. The aurora was having some flares generating as far south as Kentucky. If only I would have known.

Incidentally...if anyone really likes looking at pictures like this and real photos of space...I seriously suggest that you visit this site every day. It's called Astronomy Picture of the Day, some of you might know it already. Everyday there is a new picture, and you will see the most amazing images of space and things like the northen lights...

(I like to think that looking at the pictures every day makes me an altogether better person :D )


sp light pillars.jpg, 91.38kb

I'm trying to post another picture, but my computer is being A FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad2:
Spirit, honey, be careful. Those aren't Northern Lights, it's a dragon, waking from a 6000 year slumber & it's ravenous.

Nice shots.