Too far?

DO you write down grocery lists on your computers and email them to yourself?
Do you write down personal notes, phone numbers etc..using texting instead of writing?
Unable to fill in a form unless it's online?

I type when I'm on the computer...and that's it. Everything else is cursive writing with some small-caps stuff for emphasis.

My son's starting advanced cursive in school (Grade two)..and more power to him. Pencils don't run out of batteries and paper doesn't get degaussed.
1. No, I type them into my Blackberry.
2. Some I put right in my address book, some I put on a memo (in the Blackberry)
3. I have never, ever (and I'll remind you that for a lot of my life nobody had a personal computer) filled out a form in cursive. 95% of them specify that you print legibly.

I print stickies and when I take a phone message for someone else. I virtually never write in cursive except to sign my name.

That said, my mothers cursive hand was far neater and far more legible than even my printing.
I cannot hold on to ANY piece of paper that isn't money. My iPhone keeps my life together.

I do occasionally write Jody a note, but sometimes I text it to her iPhone.
G makes me home-made cards with silly poems and hand drawn pictures, like drawings of "The Valentine Monkey", etc. ... I keep them all. He thinks its silly that I keep them but I think they are romantic and I treasure them all. They are precious to me. :love3:

I've had men buy me things they just pick up at the store. It's not as romantic. There's no emotional investment in a store bought card or a box of cheap chocolates.

The hand written note is far more personal than a text message email, or store bought holiday card. :heartred:
G makes me home-made cards with silly poems and hand drawn pictures, like drawings of "The Valentine Monkey", etc. ... I keep them all. He thinks its silly that I keep them but I think they are romantic and I treasure them all. They are precious to me. :love3:

I've had men buy me things they just pick up at the store. It's not as romantic. There's no emotional investment in a store bought card or a box of cheap chocolates.

The hand written note is far more personal than a text message email, or store bought holiday card. :heartred:

I never said I never use such things, but if you hand me a grocery list and a piece of paper with a number on it I personally will promptly lose them.
3 weeks without!

This, along with the most fucked-up tax laws, language laws, other bullshit laws, cost-you-more-money-with-no-real-benefit laws, and weather that leaves people with no power at all for THREE WEEKS... I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would voluntarily live in the Montreal area.
I have a friend who actually writes letters and mails them to me. She has the most beautiful cursive handwriting. I think it's called "copperplate". It's almost like calligraphy, but with a black-ink ballpoint. It is one of the biggest joys in my simple life to get a letter from this woman. Not only is her handwriting a work of art, she's got a lot of interesting and humorous things to write. Unfortunately, after another generation goes by, letter writing will be a lost form of communication.
This, along with the most fucked-up tax laws, language laws, other bullshit laws, cost-you-more-money-with-no-real-benefit laws, and weather that leaves people with no power at all for THREE WEEKS... I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would voluntarily live in the Montreal area.

1. good food.
2. lots of hot skinny chicks in tight clothing.
This, along with the most fucked-up tax laws, language laws, other bullshit laws, cost-you-more-money-with-no-real-benefit laws, and weather that leaves people with no power at all for THREE WEEKS... I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would voluntarily live in the Montreal area.


Must be the Hockey ;)
This, along with the most fucked-up tax laws, language laws, other bullshit laws, cost-you-more-money-with-no-real-benefit laws, and weather that leaves people with no power at all for THREE WEEKS... I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would voluntarily live in the Montreal area.

From the guy living in a zone waiting it's turn to become animated gravel before sliding into the ocean and making some people in Arizona very wealthy when their desert becomes beachfront.
Why does everyone think California will slide into the ocean? The San Andreas is a strike-slip fault, not a subversion fault. LA is moving north toward San Francisco. The town is not literally going to hell, only figuratively. Besides, if it did slide into the ocean, it would slide at the San Andreas, thus making it hundreds of miles from Arizona to the beach. even if it did somehow split off at the Colorado River and at the Nevada state line and at the Oregon state line, people in Arizona wouldn't be able to really enjoy the beach because there would be a 495-foot cliff down to the ocean (Needles, Calif. is 495 feet above sea level).
Why does everyone think you can't get around in Canada without a sled dog? It was a joke, Ink ..... just like I presume your comment about our weather was. After all, I expect hurricanes leave more people without power for longer than even our icestorm did, and they hit much more regularly.
I really do wonder why anyone would voluntarily live in Montreal, though.

And in Canada, I thought you guys had graduated from sled dogs to snowmobiles.