trap wires

Dangit... now I wanna know what he was posting... 'cause I can't think of anything relating to 'trap wires'.

Nigeria scams... die yankee pig-dog... buy my condo ... HOT CHICKS INSIDE... we all know those without asking... but 'trap wires'? WTF, matey?
Dang nab it Unc, why you getting stirred up over it? It's bad enough not having the chance to fuck with the jerk off but you bring that shit up?
Damn it, I'm more frustrated about not being able to play with him then what it was about...

It could have been penis "enhancements" link...
I'd love to hear how trap wires fall into penis enhancement techniques.

You figure that the guy is trying to sell something. You figure he would have at least capitalized the title.
I think it was nothing related to trap wires, but I didn't open the URL either.
Rob, the trap wires are the triggers on a snare of leg trap. Neither of which I really want to associate with penile anything.
I dunno....if you're getting your penis stuck into a trap wire, that must be one hell of a penile enhancer product! :eek5:

unclehobart said:
Dangit... now I wanna know what he was posting... 'cause I can't think of anything relating to 'trap wires'.

Nigeria scams... die yankee pig-dog... buy my condo ... HOT CHICKS INSIDE... we all know those without asking... but 'trap wires'? WTF, matey?

Actually, die yankee pig-dog could be me...:devious: