

How easily do you trust other people that you barely know? How about friends? Family? Coworkers?

My friends and family I trust completely. And I have a tendency to trust my coworkers too. People I barely know? Hm, well, I guess if they sound honest and I like them, I am pretty easy to trust. If I don't like what I see, I might not be so easy. For most part I trust people pretty easily. Break that trust and it is very hard to get back though.

How about you guys?
Initially, I think I offer everyone a 'safe' degree of trust. Whether it grows or diminishes is determined by further interaction...
Well in all honesty, I tend to trust most people (makes me really gullible! :( ) Also depends on what I'm hearing I guess.

But as for those I trust without a doubt would have to be my friends, and family.

If trust is broken... well I tend to basically cut of any and all ties I have with that person. That's one thing I cannot handle!
:( Lost a friend of 6 years because of that.

When it comes to hearing information I'm pretty trusting.
As for giving out information... hmm... well I guess I don't trust that many people with that sort of thing :p
I don't trust any of my coworkers and for good reason. Family I trust but not with secrets because I'm the only one who can keep them. I trust friends also but there have been very few who have not broken that trust.
i'm extremely trusting. too much! it, like many of my other traits, tends to work against me. but i dont stop trusting. :-/
i like to be trustable, too. because, as gonz said, Trust is earned over years & lost in seconds.
Gonz said:
Trust is earned over years & lost in seconds.
Couldn't agree more! And just to add, don't know if I'm alone in my thinkings here, but IMHO, once trust is lost, I think it is near impossible to ever regain it, if ever.
i generally trust people without much thought... i'm a very open person really...

very much a glass half full person here
Unfortunately for me, I trust 99% of all people right off the bat unless I have a feeling in my gut not to.
Vortex said:
Gonz said:
Trust is earned over years & lost in seconds.
Couldn't agree more! And just to add, don't know if I'm alone in my thinkings here, but IMHO, once trust is lost, I think it is near impossible to ever regain it, if ever.

It's probably very difficult with me, but I don't think it's impossible. I think that an otherwise honest person who made a mistake could re-earn my trust by taking responsibility for whatever they did and showing me that they wanted to make it right. I might be wary at first, but eventually I think I could trust them again. :eh:
Vortex said:
I think it is near impossible to ever regain it, if ever.

then re-read the first's a revolving door. Years could be 2 or 10, take your pick.

I'll accept things said but I tend to watch actions, which, inevitably, speak much louder than words.
A man met me in the parkin' lot of Wal-mart today.

Asked if I was from the area, said he was not.

Asked if I was a Christian, an' could I give a "brother" a few dollars, since he needed gas.

I denied him, "best of luck" I said.

Felt a bit bad as I walked away, but probably woulda felt better, (hindsite), after askin' for some show of ID, an' askin' whether he would like me to call the local Sheriff for assistance......................

In general, I strive to be a "trustworthy" person, which may give an indication as to why I usually tend to trust, until another shoots me in the back. (Especially those who obviously do it for personal gain).

It has been said that, "he who refuses to trust does so because he himself is not trustworthy".

Not always the case ofcourse, but seems to be a reasonably revealed truth in many examples of human relationships.

The kinda love/trust that's been shown to me, an' has had the most impact on my "daily" willingness to show the same, was offered by a friend who did not seem to care whether I had hurt him in the past...........still stood there, offerin' an open hand of forgiveness, and an opportunity to turn from my past betrayal.

I try to offer the same, as I remember his example.........:)