
A man is a boy who finally realizes that sex is not 'just about him'. A woman is a girl who has one of those men....
So, I say tell me what a man's all about...

And you guys start talking about sex....

Nope. Not that hard to figure out at all.


that's a bit of generalization there gf....but i guess that in the end you're right :D

men love beer, women and homer simpson is their idol :D

could it be more cliché? :D
greenfreak said:
Just cus no men understand women, (or think they do and really don't), don't go acting like you're deep. ;)

I agree with ya Greeny! Only speakin' for self, I accept that I don't understand women an' I don't feel like that should stand between me, an' tryin' to.

I tend to subscribe to the idea that women are like a deep river, with a strong current capable of carryin' the heaviest loads of this life.

I'm thankful for the women that have carried me this far!.......IE: Momma, my Grandmothers, Aunts, honest female friends, an' most certainly, my Fiance', who continually encourages me to jus' be the best "me" I can be. These an' many other women are a credit to their gender, an' worthy of appreciation!:)
greenfreak said:
Just cus no men understand women, (or think they do and really don't), don't go acting like you're deep.
We can call an even, because no woman understands me either :eek:
greenfreak said:
There was a guy who used to sit in front of the laundromat I used and would ask everyone walking in and out for quarters. Each day, I denied him or ignored him till he said one day, "Why you so mean? You never even stop for me." and I told him that if he wanted to get money from people he should probably hide his cigarettes and beer, because I don't give charity to people who are going to use it for their habits.

A little off topic, I know. :) Sorry!

I agree with Ards, I think the trust can be regained over time if it was a mistake on the friend's part. But that also depends on the friend, if it's just one in a string of problems or an isolated incident.

My best friend has never really betrayed my trust but did tell a lie to save herself the embarrassment of telling me something difficult. We did discuss it and I told her that being my friend includes telling me things I don't want to hear, and that I might be somewhat indignant about it but it's not going to hurt our friendship. It never happened again after that and we're brutally honest with each other, just the way I like it. :)

That is a New York thing, I guess. Begging for quarters and showing off beer and cigs. :laugh5: I wouldn't give him anything, either.

As for the trust...I trust a point. I'll explain...

I trust any enemies to do whatever they can to make my life miserable. I trust my friends to try to make my life pleasant...some more than others. I'll never give someone 100% trust, though, because as I've found out over the years, the only side anyone is ever on is their own.