U.S. May Change Plans for Iraq Handover

catocom said:
Prove to me that there weren't/aren't wmds there, and I'll jump on your bandwagon.
There is absolutly no way you can.
Right, there's no proof you would accept. Even though Hussien could have used them with the big notice he had that the US was going to invade. We could dig a mile down over every inch of the place and Bush supporters would still not think it was enough proof.

Obviously by this point you should be able to tell that they were no threat if they existed.

So, you can not in ALL honestly say you KNOW that he lied.
I gave several examples of lies and a link to vast numbers in the other thread.
flavio said:
Right, there's no proof you would accept.
now you've underestimated me. :D

If there was Real proof, don't you think someone would start a prosecution in court?

I all honesty, I didn't like Clinton worth a shit, and still don't. I had suspicions
about him like I do about most gov officials, but I really didn't think he lie under oath.
He proved me wrong.

The difference here is a much more serious thing TO lie about. If there is Some
irrefutable proof, the Pres. should be prosecuted, if not people should...
(critisize, bad mouth, show displeasure...), but not make a serious accusation without proof....IMHO.

Unfortunatly it seem to be becoming more common place, as the immoralities
in other areas sore. :confused:
flavio said:
Right, there's no proof you would accept. Even though Hussien

He violated the terms of his surrender. Repeatedly. In many forms.

He committed or had others commit murder, rape, torture, on his own people.

Virtually every single Democrat in Congress has said, at one point or another, in the last 5 years, exactly what GW said as a lead up to the battle.

There's nothing you can say that disproves the lawful & deliberate cause for action by the United STates, Great Britain, Australia & several other countries.

The UN has proven themselves to be thieves, liars & cheats...in regard to Iraq, Saddam Husein & several other related concerns.
catocom said:
now you've underestimated me. :D
Really? What proof would you accept about the WMDs?

The difference here is a much more serious thing TO lie about. If there is Some
irrefutable proof, the Pres. should be prosecuted, if not people should...
(critisize, bad mouth, show displeasure...), but not make a serious accusation without proof....IMHO.

Unfortunatly it seem to be becoming more common place, as the immoralities
in other areas sore. :confused:
There's proof of his lies everywhere if you choose to see it. Here's an easy example yet again...."We do not torture".
flavio said:
Really? What proof would you accept about the WMDs?

There's proof of his lies everywhere if you choose to see it. Here's an easy example yet again...."We do not torture".
WMDs? none, they already found small quantities of them there.
That's 'enough' proof to me that they were there at least at one time, and
not to long before they found it, because it would have dissipated.


We don't torture as a matter of policy. There may have been some individuals.
Of coarse it very much depends on the "meaning" of "torture" that you choose, but
if there's a policy, of proof that orders were given to torture, and no one was
prosecuted for it, I'd like to see it.
You might have a valid lie then.
flavio said:
I took it to mean "we do not torture" which is clearly not the case....not to mention it sort of contradicts his threat to veto the ban on torture.
I'm still not clear on who you think "we" are :confused:

Personally "I'm" for some friggin' torture on some of um.

The geneva convention was to keep our troops from being tortured, as much
as the enemy. IMO when the enemy doesn't observe it, neither should we.
NO I'm not above it. I'm actually a barbaric SOB when it comes to this subject.
One day, someone's going to explain the concept on an uncruel punishment to me. It seems an oxymoron to me.
rrfield said:
So is torture against the Constitution if its
Cruel and Usual?

Um no that applies to American citizens
not emeny combatants.

Ah yes the result of a pubic school edu-mah-cation.
Gonz said:
The only problem with that is that it isn't true. They're not listening, they're posturing. Oh, and Cuba is certainly no threat to anyone at all anymore (if they ever were).