U.S. Sees Threats from Terror, Iran and North Korea

Oh and by the way, if your post is going to immediately follow mine
(even if it doesn't)
there is scarcely a need to quote my post.
Winky said:
HIV has been cured unless I missed that headline and
tell me just HOW IS "Malaria is preventable" without
blaming the United States for it not being eradicated already?

(thanks for providing the previously expected stock answer)

Sorry I meant treatable. Do you mean HIV is treatable or has been cured?

I'm seeing a trend, You have to be able to differentiate between you, your government, US companies. If you see everything as a direct insult to you personally then you are missing the point. But if you defend your govts and American companies actions without question then your just a puppet.

I think the British govt and British companies are often wrong but its not a personal thing.
Actually you are right!

All people in the 'first world' should be held as slaves
to the supposed starving masses in the never to be developed countries.

Those evil money grubbing RX companies should be held at gunpoint to create and produce and distribute their products to anyone that thinks they have a right to them!

I really wonder if you believe that tripe or are just having fun?
Bunch of Charlatans

I'm sitting here in front of my PC in my house and you know what I've decided that all these people in Africa should really sort themselves out.

sar·casm ( P ) Pronunciation Key (särkzm)
A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.
Are you afraid I'll edit all my posts
is that why you insist on incessantly quoting them
or are you ADD?
Winky said:
Finally you admit that you know the truth.
We live like we do for a reason and they live like they
do through no fault of ours.

Shitte I sure as hell hope against hope that one day
the Africans don't start sending terrorists against us
(I know I know they already are as its about the only
3rd world growth industry these days) we will have to
"bring Democracy" to them as well.

Actually sooner or later the festering boil that is the African continent will one day have to be lanced but not yet my widdle bleeding heart Liberal, we've got to fix the ENTIRE Middle-East first, Right?

Your really quite scary. I think you should go lie down somewhere dark and quiet, maybe watching re runs of lynchings may perk you up.
Yes I know you are racist but you’re also British so you are forgiven heh heh.

Ok let's try another tack here.

If the mythical 'we' are responsible for the situation 'over there' what do you propose 'we' do about it???

Fine print

"Take over Africa by allowing them to kill themselves".

I love this country.
Found this link. Looks like Dick Cheney has the security of America ranked just below his personal wealth. No surprise there then.

Harper's Index for December 2004
Posted on Thursday, January 6, 2005.
SourcesNumber of U.S. terrorism trials brought before a jury since September 11, 2001 : 1 [U.S. Department of Justice ]

Number of terrorism convictions resulting : 2 [U.S. Department of Justice ]

Number of them dismissed in June due to a "pattern of mistakes" by the prosecution : 2 [U.S. Department of Justice ]

Revenue generated by Halliburton under CEO Dick Cheney from business deals with Iraq under Saddam Hussein : $30,000,000 [Colum Lynch, Washington Post (N.Y.C.) ]

Estimated revenue generated by Halliburton last year through subsidiaries in Iran : $63,506,000 [Halliburton (Houston, Tex.) ]

Value of the Halliburton shares owned by New York City's Fire Department Pension Fund : $3,359,095 [Office of the Comptroller (N.Y.C.) ]

Number of times since 2002 the city has filed a shareholders' resolution questioning the risk of doing business in Iran : 3 [Office of the Comptroller (N.Y.C.) ]

Number of companies in which Tom Ridge holds stock that have a contract with the Department of Homeland Security : 7 [U.S. Department of Homeland Security ]

Number of overseas bullet suppliers the U.S. Army contracted with last year and this year, respectively : 1,5 [Program Executive Office for Ammunition (Picatinny Arsenal, N.J.) ]

Minimum number of bullets the U.S. military purchased for use this year : 1,500,000,000 [Program Executive Office for Ammunition (Picatinny Arsenal, N.J.) ][Top]

Average number of bullets per Iraqi this represents : 58 [Harper's Research ]

Number of major weapons systems the Pentagon has under development : 77 [U.S. Department of Defense ]

Ratio of the original estimate of these programs' total cost to the estimate today : 1:2 [U.S. Department of Defense ]

Ratio of U.S. arms dealers' campaign contributions made since January 2001 to Democrats to those made to Republicans : 1:2 [PoliticalMoneyLine (Washington) ]

Number of states with a Libertarian Party presidential candidate on the ballot last month : 48 [Ballot Access News (San Francisco) ]

Number with a Reform, Green, and/or Socialist Workers Party candidate on the ballot, respectively : 35,28,14 [Ballot Access News (San Francisco) ]

Weeks the Green Party's vice-presidential candidate spent staying in homeless shelters as part of her campaign tour : 2 [Green Party (Washington) ]

Average number of clothing items an adult American acquired in 2002 : 52 [Juliet B. Schor, Boston College (Boston) ]

Estimated average amount of textiles thrown out by each U.S. household in 2001, in pounds : 66 [Juliet B. Schor, Boston College (Boston) ]

Percentage salary cut that Delta's CEO announced this fall that he would take through the end of the year : 100 [Delta Air Lines (Atlanta) ]

Percentage of 30-year-old American men who were married, self-supporting fathers in 1960 and 2000, respectively : 65,31 [American Sociological Association (Washington) ]

Number of levels of executive positions in the federal government in 1960 and this year, respectively : 17,58 [The Brookings Institution (Washington) ]

Total number of federal executives in each of those years : 451, 2,592 [The Brookings Institution (Washington) ]

Percentage of poor Americans who lived in the suburbs in 1959 and last year, respectively : 17,39 [Harper's Research ]

Ratio of the number of poor Americans living in cities to the number who live in suburbs : 21:20 [Harper's Research ]

Number of the 20 fastest-growing U.S. counties that are coastal : 17 [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Silver Spring, Md.) ]

Number of body bags a New Orleans suburb secured for this year's hurricane season : 10,000 [Times-Picayune (Jefferson Parish, La.) ]

Estimated number of Britons sent government warnings last fall of their increased chance of having mad cow disease : 6,000 [Department of Health (London) ]

Minimum number of countries with a greater capacity to produce nuclear weapons than Iraq at the time of the U.S. invasion : 35 [International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna) ]

Ratio of U.S. spending on Iraq each week to total U.S. aid to Sudan since February 2003 : 2:1 [Harper's Research ]

Minimum number of tribes and ethnic groups in Sudan's Darfur region : 80 [Embassy of the Republic of Sudan (London) ]

Chances that an adult male citizen of Pitcairn Island has been arrested for a sex-related crime this year : 2 in 5 [British High Commission (Wellington, New Zealand) ]

Minimum number of those arrested who are direct descendants of mutineer Fletcher Christian : 4 [Harper's Research ]

Estimated average price of a female newborn in a Bulgarian infant-selling ring busted this summer : $6,000 [State Police Headquarters (Pordenone, Italy) ]

Estimated average price of a male newborn : $18,000 [State Police Headquarters (Pordenone, Italy) ]

Average black-market price in Baghdad of a DVD showing the beheading of a foreigner or Iraqi "collaborator" : 50c [Richard Beeston (Baghdad) ]

Price of the bottle of champagne a New York club requires patrons to buy in order to use a diamond-encrusted table : $5,000 [Select (N.Y.C.)]

Minutes of weightlessness that Virgin Galactic passengers will experience on suborbital space flights in 2007 : 5 [Virgin Group (London)]

"Degrees of freedom" accorded each eyebrow of an "Emotion Expression" robot under development : 4 (see page 28) [Waseda University (Tokyo)]

This is Harper's Index for December 2004, a Harper's Index, published Thursday, January 6, 2005. It is part of Harper's Index for 2004, which is part of The Harper's Index, which is part of Harpers.org.

Lopan - you really should split up those stats...it makes it hard to read and follow where you're going with your argument otherwise...perhaps group 4 of them with a follow-up by you explaining where you're going with those 4 stats. Otherwise, it's scroll-fodder
Estimated average price of a male newborn : $18,000 [State Police Headquarters (Pordenone, Italy) ]

Are we just talking Italian kids?

...and wtf is it doing coming from the state police department? Surely italo-bobbies have better things to do than do accounting studies of hospital trends.
I was just going to pick the Haliburton ones, but that would take it out of context and make it look anti American.

This one is the interesting fact and from Halliburton aswell.

Estimated revenue generated by Halliburton last year through subsidiaries in Iran : $63,506,000 [Halliburton (Houston, Tex.) ]

No wonder Cheneys retiring.
I tend to believe an influence was made in getting said contracts... but not that that Cheney did it for any kind of personal stake. The man was already worth 30+ million before he signed on to be the VP. Now that he might be possibly worth 40 million he is going to say 'aaaah... yes... thats the perfect amount'... and then retire? I don't buy it.

The man does have a closely guarded cardiac ailment that would have killed him 15 years ago if not for cutting edge medicine. The job is truly stressful and he works like a fiend. I would think it to be pressures from his doctors and his family to walk away before it kills him.
I tend to agree with unc. Cheney was paid off long ago by Haliburton, of course he'd use his influence to get them what contracts he could, they were his buds (the ten million dollar separtation package probably didn't hurt their chances). I don't think it has anything to do with the retirement. Like unc says, he has a very dodgy heart. I think that's likely the main reason, if not the only reason.
I was pointing out more where the money had come from, Iran. Is Cheney still a non executive director with Halliburton and does he still own shares?
That would be technically illegal under our laws. Once someone becomes a leader or a ministerial secretary, all of their private affiliations are supposed to be severed and all financial investments are to be held in trust and run without the knowledge of that person by a well respected third party... strictly to avoid bias and self enrichment via the greatest of insider tradings to be dreamt of.

If anything, it would enrich a handfull of friends and not himself.
Maybe they helped him on the way up and now he helps them with favourable govt contracts. Actually thats exactly what happens. It will be interesting to see what he does next.
Lopan said:
I was pointing out more where the money had come from, Iran. Is Cheney still a non executive director with Halliburton and does he still own shares?
I'm pretty sure he isn't, at least on paper. OTOH, you certainly don't stop talking to them just because you've left the company to become vice-prez. As you say, that's the way it works. That's the way pretty much every government in history has worked.