U.S. Sees Threats from Terror, Iran and North Korea

Lopan said:
I was just going to pick the Haliburton ones, but that would take it out of context and make it look anti American.

I'm curious, can you name one international organization, besides Haliburton, that does all the things Haliburton does?
Can someone clue this silly Brit in?
Let him know the false Halliburton talking points are So two thousand four?
So does BP and Exxon mobil. Gonz asked and they were the nearest. Anyway why jump on the defensive all the time. Cut down on the caffeine.
Feel free to click on the link in my last post and read the article on that page. Don't let me stop you.
Gonz said:
I'm curious, can you name one international organization, besides Haliburton, that does all the things Haliburton does?

No caffeine here. They are far more than a simple oil company.