If there was no intent, why did he keep firing golf balls at the bird?
To chase the bird away?
If there was no intent, why did he keep firing golf balls at the bird?
To chase the bird away?
He got a birdie.
I wonder how much of that was skill, and how much was luck? I didn't know a person could aim a golf ball with a golf club and hit a target off the ground 75 yards away.
It would be except nobody is putting more stock in the rights of an animal. If they catch who murdered the girl do you actually think they be charged with a lesser crime?
Just try to do something with land you own which is the habitat of an "endangered" animal. Try to drain water from your land. Try to build on that land. Then, and only then, will you understand.
Tell me what's wrong with protecting and trying to help those who cannot help themselves?
And what the fuck does that have to do with this? We're not talking about a hawk that was about to become extinct because of natural selection, we're talking about an asshole golfer that made a wilful decision to try to hit it with a golf ball.At what point does this stop? Animals, reptiles & birds have gone extinct since, well, forever. Mother Nature designed the whole survival of the fittest thing. If some owl can only procreate in a two square mile area, that owl is not best designed to fit into nature & will die out, with or without our shotguns. We don't kill off species. That would be limitations in their DNA. There is a huge difference between helping the old lady acrross the street & stopping a species from following it's logical conclusion.
And what the fuck does that have to do with this? We're not talking about a hawk that was about to become extinct because of natural selection, we're talking about an asshole golfer that made a wilful decision to try to hit it with a golf ball.
Ok, anyway, he is obviously an asshole. How many of you that say this ok would be ok if it was a dog on the course that he was aiming at? Key word there too, AIMING. He was trying to hit it, or he wouldn't have kept trying. I think the stupid fucker deserves to pay for this, whether it's a jail sentence or a fine, he needs to pay.
And what the fuck does that have to do with this? We're not talking about a hawk that was about to become extinct because of natural selection, we're talking about an asshole golfer that made a wilful decision to try to hit it with a golf ball.
Ok, anyway, he is obviously an asshole. How many of you that say this ok would be ok if it was a dog on the course that he was aiming at? Key word there too, AIMING. He was trying to hit it, or he wouldn't have kept trying. I think the stupid fucker deserves to pay for this, whether it's a jail sentence or a fine, he needs to pay.
1 vote for the dog...![]()
All kidding aside, the 'person' in question, and I use that term loosely, may, or may not, have known about the law protecting that bird. That isn't the issue. The bird may, or may not, be on the verge of extinction. That isn't the issue, either. The issue here is a 'person' (again, loosely) didn't like the noise of nature in a natural setting. Said 'person' decided that nature had no place interrupting his importance. Adopting a few strays does not give him a free pass to do what he likes with the rest of 'nature'. He is (nod to 2minkey) an asshat. To make matters worse, he's also an elitist asshat, who thinks that his actions are more important than anything else.
At what point does this stop? Animals, reptiles & birds have gone extinct since, well, forever. Mother Nature designed the whole survival of the fittest thing. If some owl can only procreate in a two square mile area, that owl is not best designed to fit into nature & will die out, with or without our shotguns. We don't kill off species. That would be limitations in their DNA. There is a huge difference between helping the old lady acrross the street & stopping a species from following it's logical conclusion.
Yes.In your mind, does this survival of the fittest include humans?
Is that your personal "go" card to build up and on anything we want to? Do you think that man-made pollution and chemicals killing off bird species is just their tough luck?
At what point does this stop? Animals, reptiles & birds have gone extinct since, well, forever. Mother Nature designed the whole survival of the fittest thing. If some owl can only procreate in a two square mile area, that owl is not best designed to fit into nature & will die out, with or without our shotguns. We don't kill off species. That would be limitations in their DNA. There is a huge difference between helping the old lady acrross the street & stopping a species from following it's logical conclusion.
In your mind, does this survival of the fittest include humans? Since we could eradicate all species on earth if we wanted to, does that mean we are the fittest and entitled?
Is that your personal "go" card to build up and on anything we want to? Do you think that man-made pollution and chemicals killing off bird species is just their tough luck?
We are part of nature, are we not? What we do is natural, is it not? Survival is part of our selection process yet we are smart (dumb?) enough to weaken ourselves with our medicine to the point that our species is probably weaker, physically, than any time in history. Yet we continue to weaken it further. It'll be our downfall. But hey, the Spotted Owl will be able to have it's 2.12 acres back.
BTW-yes, this guy was an ass but is attempting to scare a critter away a CRIMINAL ACT? (Dog or bird)
If that's really how you feel and you're not just playing devil's advocate, then all I have left to say to you is![]()
Then say no more.