In regards to Stupidity vs homosexuality.
Just as race is determined by birth so to a large extent is native intelligence.
Someone born with a genius IQ while he (or she, gotta be PC lol)
could choose
ignorance could not elect to be Stupid.
Just as a Man doesn't choose his race
but can choose his destiny
regardless of it.
(oh I so should have said
irregardless but then that
SO would have been ignorant or would it have been 'stupid'.?
Main Entry: 1stu·pid
Pronunciation: 'stü-p&d, 'styü-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French stupide, from Latin
stupidus, from stupEre to be numb, be astonished
1 a : slow of mind : OBTUSE b : given to unintelligent
decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless
manner c : lacking intelligence or reason : BRUTISH
2 : dulled in feeling or sensation : TORPID <still stupid
from the sedative>
3 : marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or
acting : SENSELESS
4 a : lacking interest or point b : VEXATIOUS, EXASPERATING
<this stupid flashlight won't work>
- stu·pid·ly adverb
- stu·pid·ness noun
Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt
Function: adjective
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education
<an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge
or comprehension of the thing specified
<parents ignorant of modern mathematics>
b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge
or intelligence <ignorant errors>
- ig·no·rant·ly adverb
- ig·no·rant·ness noun
UNTUTORED, UNLEARNED mean not having knowledge.
IGNORANT may imply a general condition or it
may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a
particular thing <an ignorant fool>
<ignorant of nuclear physics>.
ILLITERATE applies to either an absolute
or a relative inability to read and write
<much of the population is still illiterate>
. UNLETTERED implies ignorance of the
knowledge gained by reading <an allusion
meaningless to the unlettered>.
UNTUTORED may imply lack of schooling
in the arts and ways of civilization
<strange monuments built by an untutored people>.
UNLEARNED suggests ignorance of advanced subjects
<poetry not for academics but for the unlearned masses>.
Yell ya what I’ve never had an issue
where my peener was supposed to go lol