Unbelievable! 2004 Racism... surely not!

Take off their body armour and make them play a rugby player....we'd see who'd win ;)
And that statement was in jest :), a friend of mine mentioned it on the phone to me once, I found it funny and stuck it in my sig :)

I don't think 'gayness' is a choice but stupidity certainly is....I mean there's always an option with stupidity....if I were gay I wouldn't have a choice in the matter, if I were stupid though I'd deserve everything I'd get for it (and I have the scars to prove it)
Well I'll give you that them Rub Me players are a tough lot
but the ones I've seen tend to look like fairly normal human beings.
When Me Kid was like ten he and his Mom used to go to this fitness clinic that some of the Arizona Cardinals went to.
They told stories about these Doods so I went one day.
Lemme tell ya they are some truly scary chemically enhanced superbeings!
I don't thing an M-16 on full auto could stop them guys before they crushed you!
In regards to Stupidity vs homosexuality.

Just as race is determined by birth so to a large extent is native intelligence.
Someone born with a genius IQ while he (or she, gotta be PC lol)
could choose ignorance could not elect to be Stupid.

Just as a Man doesn't choose his race
but can choose his destiny regardless of it.
(oh I so should have said irregardless but then that
SO would have been ignorant or would it have been 'stupid'.?

Main Entry: 1stu·pid
Pronunciation: 'stü-p&d, 'styü-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French stupide, from Latin
stupidus, from stupEre to be numb, be astonished
1 a : slow of mind : OBTUSE b : given to unintelligent
decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless
manner c : lacking intelligence or reason : BRUTISH
2 : dulled in feeling or sensation : TORPID <still stupid
from the sedative>
3 : marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or
acting : SENSELESS
4 a : lacking interest or point b : VEXATIOUS, EXASPERATING
<this stupid flashlight won't work>
- stu·pid·ly adverb
- stu·pid·ness noun
Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt
Function: adjective
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education
<an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge
or comprehension of the thing specified
<parents ignorant of modern mathematics>
b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge
or intelligence <ignorant errors>
- ig·no·rant·ly adverb
- ig·no·rant·ness noun
UNTUTORED, UNLEARNED mean not having knowledge.
IGNORANT may imply a general condition or it
may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a
particular thing <an ignorant fool>
<ignorant of nuclear physics>.
ILLITERATE applies to either an absolute
or a relative inability to read and write
<much of the population is still illiterate>
. UNLETTERED implies ignorance of the
knowledge gained by reading <an allusion
meaningless to the unlettered>.
UNTUTORED may imply lack of schooling
in the arts and ways of civilization
<strange monuments built by an untutored people>.
UNLEARNED suggests ignorance of advanced subjects
<poetry not for academics but for the unlearned masses>.
Yell ya what I’ve never had an issue deciding
where my peener was supposed to go lol
Exactly.....you don't need to decide where it goes....try deciding who you are gonna have feelings for, that ones a toughy.

3 : marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or
acting : SENSELESS
This was the definition of stupidity that I was going for. Acting without thinking or not putting much thought into it. If any ill comes of that stupidity, you had the choice to think it through before acting so you only have yourself to blame.
Ah now we are getting somewhere.
So being Ghey is neutral neither good bad or indifferent.

Kinda like being born a member of a supposed minority group it is neither good or bad it just IS.

Now engaging in the actions, the lifestyle of homosexuality which throughout history has brought ridicule and persecution and demanding that society accept your behavior and afford you special rights, can not be equated with being a member of a minority and being hyper-sensitive to society at large and demanding preferential treatment solely due to your race.

Yep at this point I’d blame all the non-minority heterosexuals for my issues.
Winky said:
Ah now we are getting somewhere.
So being Ghey is neutral neither good bad or indifferent.

Kinda like being born a member of a supposed minority group it is neither good or bad it just IS.

Now engaging in the actions, the lifestyle of homosexuality which throughout history has brought ridicule and persecution and demanding that society accept your behavior and afford you special rights, can not be equated with being a member of a minority and being hyper-sensitive to society at large and demanding preferential treatment solely due to your race.

Yep at this point I’d blame all the non-minority heterosexuals for my issues.
You mean white heterosexual males? ;) (thats a joke btw people!)

The part in your quote I have bolded is another pet hate of mine. Over here (the UK) jobs are getting created especially for the 'ethnic minorities'. Example from the very council I work for: Asian Smoking officer. Job spec: to promote the cessation of smoking among members of our asian communities. Pay is approx £17,000 - £19,000 a year.

You should get a job based on your merits and NOT the colour of your skin, your religion or your fecking sexual orientation :(
Basically I really thought my outrage would be a common response in here...

Are we really now so immune to something so wrong?
nope we are inured to this and many other things

you know beheadings, wholesale slaughter of defenseless women and children
Ashley Simpson... *shudder*
Winky said:
nope we are inured to this and many other things

you know beheadings, wholesale slaughter of defenseless women and children
Ashley Simpson... *shudder*

Well I've learnt my lesson...

Never expect others to have the same ideals and morality as yours.
Raven said:
The part in your quote I have bolded is another pet hate of mine. Over here (the UK) jobs are getting created especially for the 'ethnic minorities'. Example from the very council I work for: Asian Smoking officer. Job spec: to promote the cessation of smoking among members of our asian communities. Pay is approx £17,000 - £19,000 a year.

You should get a job based on your merits and NOT the colour of your skin, your religion or your fecking sexual orientation :(

Does the person spec specify that the position holder actually has to be Asian themselves?

I'd take that as a position working for smoking cessation in the Asian community... not a position for an Asian individual... but obviously it may help if the candidate understands the social and cultural aspects of those they are trying to help. :shrug:
Raven said:
Yup they had to be asian and speak Gujurati and Urdu.

Surely they didn't specify ASIAN... they'll have required the Urdu or Gujurati or Punjabi... but that is probably suggesting the same. I think its probably unlikely (but not impossible) for a Non-Asian to be fluent enough to handle the posts responsibilities!

And Stew thank you for eventually revealling yourself to me... :p :p

Yup! Does that sound dirty to you too? :D
ClaireBear said:
Well I've learnt my lesson...

Never expect others to have the same ideals and morality as yours.

Now there's something to ponder lol

I'm against those who expect others to have the same ideals and morality as they do...
Aw C'Mon what ya yawning for?
It's three in the morning here.

It is 10:00 AM there.

You just getting up?
but you are on the mend nearly
your old sparky self soon it will be time to venture forth and frolic
Winky said:
but you are on the mend nearly
your old sparky self soon it will be time to venture forth and frolic

There will be no "frolicking" Winky!

I'm practically engaged! :blush:

I'm a reformed character... :p