BeardofPants New Member Oct 17, 2008 #81 MrBishop said: I was hoping you'd go Auburn Click to expand... Maybe next winter.
MrBishop Well-Known Member Oct 17, 2008 #83 BeardofPants said: Maybe next winter. Click to expand... rrrrRRRRRrrrr!
Gato_Solo Out-freaking-standing OTC member Oct 18, 2008 #84 mx-6* said: oops, cant provide pics when my file server is down. Click to expand... Riiiigggghhhhtttt...typical ugly-person response.
mx-6* said: oops, cant provide pics when my file server is down. Click to expand... Riiiigggghhhhtttt...typical ugly-person response.
catocom Well-Known Member Nov 3, 2008 #87 man gonz, you look a hell of a lot better than that old pic. You look heathy dude.
pc_builder New Member Nov 3, 2008 #89 You look like you should be singing in a lounge somewhere. Edit: Not that I look any better. After looking at my picture again, I look like a coked out roadie for (insert inane sell-out cheese metal band here)
You look like you should be singing in a lounge somewhere. Edit: Not that I look any better. After looking at my picture again, I look like a coked out roadie for (insert inane sell-out cheese metal band here)
A.B.Normal New Member Nov 14, 2008 #93 *you lucky son-of a bi.... I'd rather meet Samantha Carter,but he's cool too,what with being Canadian and all.
*you lucky son-of a bi.... I'd rather meet Samantha Carter,but he's cool too,what with being Canadian and all.
BeardofPants New Member Nov 14, 2008 #94 Yeah, he was awesomely nice. Very personable, and funny. Definitely a highlight of the convention.
GrandCaravanSE Active Member Nov 14, 2008 #95 A.B.Normal said: *you lucky son-of a bi.... I rather meet Samantha Carter,but he's cool too,what with being Canadian and all. Click to expand... you know who else is canadian, every member in the band RUSH... sorry there my favorite band.
A.B.Normal said: *you lucky son-of a bi.... I rather meet Samantha Carter,but he's cool too,what with being Canadian and all. Click to expand... you know who else is canadian, every member in the band RUSH... sorry there my favorite band.
Luis G <i><b>Problemator</b></i> Staff member Nov 15, 2008 #96 You have a weird looking boyfriend, bop, haven't you noticed?
Gato_Solo Out-freaking-standing OTC member Nov 15, 2008 #98 Luis G said: You have a weird looking boyfriend, bop, haven't you noticed? Click to expand... Well...He DOES look happy.
Luis G said: You have a weird looking boyfriend, bop, haven't you noticed? Click to expand... Well...He DOES look happy.
Nixy Elimi-nistrator Staff member Nov 15, 2008 #100 and the poor fellow has a head wound no one is tending to.