Upgraded a clunker

Well she finally let me at it :D My next step is to completely rebuild Clarissa's machine.. but for now here we go :D

Pentium 266 - K6-3 450
128MB RAM - 512MB - aptiva surprised me that it saw 256mb modules

4GB HDD - Took a 40GB Maxtor drive, BIG improvement over the half dead seagate.

ATi onboard rage pro chipset - Geforce 4 MX 440 PCI

CD-ROM - Ricoh DVD ROM CDRW combo

Slipped in a 350w psu that barely fit but works fine.

ohh and an upgrade from win98 to 2000 :headbang:
I've got a A7V333 and a stick of 512MB PC2700 registered Samsung here just burning for a Tbred to hit the moon, too bad i can't use the samsung in the Nforce boards as they can't boot registered modules :eh: That'll likely be her next board, if she'd only agree :D
I have one old computer that is good for using during thunderstorms.:headbang:
I still playing with overclocking a new model duron 1.1gig.
I've nearly got it to 2gig.:D
I think I'm gonna have to go with a different mobo, to get any
more. It's just a 133 epox board, and I got it running 166fsb.:eek:

I'm working on an OC review of it, I'm gonna post somewhere.
I can send sam, or fury a copy to post here somewhere if anyone
is interested.
I think it's 266 standard maybe kt266.
It's an epox, ep-8k72, that wetling was running water cooling on,
and the pump went out and burnt the processor, I think.
I got it from him for $10. It's been doing pretty good using
high per OCZ pc2100. I've got some high per ddr333 I'm probably
going to try next. The bios does have options to go to, I think,
183fsb. It is running at 166fsb, but is a little glitchy.
Get DSL.. i wanna be the only guy in the hood with cable so i can hog all the bandwidth, and why am i telling you here when you're about 4M away from me? :confuse3:
Broadband is the greatest computer invention since the microchip (well, okay, one of the greatest). BTW,Clarissa, when are you going to put up an avatar? You'll be hard pressed to find one that reflects your personality as well as my av does my personality. :D