Urban Terrorist shot dead


Well-Known Member
Four police officers were gunned down in a Tacoma Washington suburb just ast they were starting work. A massive manhunt is underway in western Washington state Sunday night for a gunman who ambushed and killed four police officers. The suspect shot four Lakewood Police Department officers as they sat together at a coffee house in Parkland, working on their laptops. The three men and one woman were just starting their morning shift.

Ed Troy, the Pierce County Sheriff Spokesman said, "We do know this was a targeted, this was more of an execution, walked in with the specific mind of shooting police officers."

One of the police officers reportedly managed to return fire before he died. "There was a struggle in there and there is a possibility that one of the Lakewood police officers fired a shot. We are finding evidence that the suspect may be hurt."

Police now say they are looking for a person of interest, 37 year old Maurice Clemens. "If he is hit, he is injured somewhere with a gunshot wound. He's gonna have that taken care of sometime someplace."

Police erected road blocks and fanned out over a wide area to try and catch the suspect. Tonight an outpouring of grief swept over a vigil held for the slain officers. Firefighters displayed a huge American flag in solidarity as make shift memorials sprang up near the crime scene.

The local Sheriff spoke at the scene of the mass execution saying "we lost people that we care about, we lost people I am sure that the good people in the community care about as well."

Troyer says two of the officers were shot and killed as they sat at a table Sunday morning, working on their laptops. One was shot standing up and the fourth fought with the gunman and made it outside and was able to get off some shots.
he was shot in seattle. there were reports of him being in an area adjacent to mine. my GF's former office building was surrounded by swat, but it turned out he wasn't there. i actually thought about loading some hollowpoints into my little buddy last night.
Why aren't they already in the chamber?

A criminal with a gun. I bet he didn't read teh rulez.
Oh, Bish, this was not a terrorist attack....this was a crime. Let's not redefine pre-existing terms.
Long term offender finally off the planet for good.

I just thank Gawd this guy got shot to death
just like he needed to be instead of growing old on the taxpayers dime.

Now hopefully his good for nuthin’ relatives can be made to pay
for their crimes but probably not, ya know how these things go.
Mentally deranged recidivist criminal receives justice.

Yeah I’d hoped this guy was some kinda
Moosie convert, bummer.
Now lets jail all his relatives.
The people protesting don't 'know' Christ, or they wouldn't be out there,
equals 'not saved'.
Jesus didn't teach 'hate' in any instance.
He taught "do unto others, as you'd have them do unto you".
That seems pretty clear cut to me.
The people protesting don't 'know' Christ, or they wouldn't be out there,
equals 'not saved'.
Jesus didn't teach 'hate' in any instance.
He taught "do unto others, as you'd have them do unto you".
That seems pretty clear cut to me.

The people protesting feel differently
feel they know Christ more than anyone
including you
It's all a POV ideal
they said HE said
Jews aren't the chosen people
they're liars and evil
Americans are all being punished
for coddling blasphemy, homosexuality, sexuality
for protecting the jew, for protecting the muslim
for allowing the presence of witchcraft
and black presidents, and swearing on television.

Face it..they're nutbars, and act like terrorists..and hide behind free speech and religion to spray forth their hateful and cowardly speech. Like muslim terrorists, cept they havn't blown up anything..recently
Now...where is the great denouncement from the Church? Why is this group still listed as a religion, and a charity, and free from taxation? Why hasn't their leader been arrested for hate crimes?