Urban Terrorist shot dead

yeah, he's been pardoned to Death now.

by a union card-carrying member of seattle (must be liberal!) law enforcement. well, i guess somebody's gotta clean up the mess...

in the meantime, a top huckabee advisor has quit over this....
by a union card-carrying member of seattle (must be liberal!) law enforcement. well, i guess somebody's gotta clean up the mess...

in the meantime, a top huckabee advisor has quit over this....

lol, you talk like Huck has got a good shot in the next round
Parole boards are infested with overly-enlightened folks, that might be who actually released this nut job.

I would prefer to not vote for Huck.
he was shot in seattle. there were reports of him being in an area adjacent to mine. my GF's former office building was surrounded by swat, but it turned out he wasn't there. i actually thought about loading some hollowpoints into my little buddy last night.

My little buddy is never devoid of manstopper rounds. I sleep well at night knowing that he stands ready to do violence on my behalf to those who would do likewise unto me.
Parole boards are infested with overly-enlightened folks, that might be who actually released this nut job.

I would prefer to not vote for Huck.
Huckabee is a piece of shit and the primary reason we didn't have Romney as our candidate. He kept harping on hop Romney is a Mormon like there is some kind of religious test for running for president.
Huckabee is a piece of shit and the primary reason we didn't have Romney as our candidate. He kept harping on hop Romney is a Mormon like there is some kind of religious test for running for president.
I gave up last round when Romney called it quits. Frankly, I didn't even like him either. My big worry was Shitlery,I was kinda rooting for Obama. I didn't figure Obamasan had the clout to actually get anything done (which maybe true).......boy was I stoopid. .

I'm hoping we can pull someone out of our butt for 2012. Til then Palin, who knows ~~~~.
Community organizer terrorist.

Before 2012 we will all have chugged the Kool-aid and be sayin’
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
Who did they blow up lately? All those beheadings must make NJ a mess.

Kinda like that guy at the military base. I guess that he wasn't a terrorist either..just a criminal. Depends on who's doing the labellings, eh.
"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free." - Clarence Darrow

Even the Freedom of Speech has it's limits.
It's a graded system - you are literally not free to say everything.
Now...where is the great denouncement from the Church? Why is this group still listed as a religion, and a charity, and free from taxation? Why hasn't their leader been arrested for hate crimes?


You slay me. That whacko...and his church...are denounced every time they slither out from under their rock. The only unfortunate thing is that they are a church. Just because you, personally, do not like their 'message' does not change that one thing they claim. As for jailing the person claiming to be their pastor, it would violate our Constitution. You can't have the good without the bad. That's the same attitude you point out about how people unfairly judge Muslims...which was probably your point. Funny thing is...your point is based upon your laws, your country, and your atheist viewpoint.