US bars France, Germany, Russia and Canada from Iraq contracts


Well-Known Member
The United States has barred companies from France, Germany, Russia, Canada and other nations that refused to join the US-led coalition in Iraq from competing for billions of dollars in prime contracts to rebuild the country, a Pentagon memorandum made public said.
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, in a decision dated December 5, cited "essential security interests" of the United States and the need to encourage countries to provide troops for Iraq as the reason for limiting competition for 18.6 billion dollars in prime contracts.


Now...the money for the reconstruction is coming from a lot of places, including Canada (250million$), so why is the US making the decisions as to who gets the contracts? Why isn't the defacto Iraqui GVT making decisions as to who gets the contracts?

"It is necessary for the protection of the essential security interests of the United States to limit competition for the prime contracts of these procurements to companies from the United States, Iraq, coalition partners and force contributing nations," the Wolfowitz finding said.
I could've sworn that there were Canadian troops on the ground in Iraq and that we sent troops to Afghanistan in order to free up US troops for the war in Iraq.

So what gives...was Iraq liberated or Invaded?
France, Germany, Russia, I understand. But aren't there a shitload of Canucks over there anyway, regardless of the Gov's Official stance?
PuterTutor said:
France, Germany, Russia, I understand. But aren't there a shitload of Canucks over there anyway, regardless of the Gov's Official stance?

Yup, yup, eh.

France, Germany and Russia are even refusing to send cash for the repairs...Russia plans on asking for their $8billion back that Iraq owes them.
If Russia asks for it's 8 million back from Iraq ..
If I were GW Bush...I'd ask for Russia, France & Germany's percentage of the 10 trillion we spent with the Marshall Plan rebuliding Europe after WWII, first.

I couldn't agree more with barring those bastards from making a single red cent off reconstruction. I don't agree with the exclusion of Canada, however.
I think that the US position is that the reconstruction monies are coming from the US coffers, therefore it is a US decision as to how the money gets spent. I think its the same way we isolated ourselves from Egypt and India in the 50s.
we were about to send 3.8 billion or 3 800 000 (can't remember which) in funds to seems we're not anymore :shrug:
Yeah..I agree not including Canada is a mistake.
I mean sure...Kingston is an eye sore from my northern NY border but if it weren't for Canadian's, we wouldn't have Labatt's Blue.
unclehobart said:
I think that the US position is that the reconstruction monies are coming from the US coffers, therefore it is a US decision as to how the money gets spent. I think its the same way we isolated ourselves from Egypt and India in the 50s.

the official position is...that it's a security risk.
"essential security interests" of the United States and the need to encourage countries to provide troops for Iraq as the reason for limiting competition for 18.6 billion dollars in prime contracts.

the real one're either with us, or against us.

sanctions on Canada come next I guess, eh? :swing:
This story is about to change. Bush is going to offer to open up the bidding in exchange for forgiving Iraq's debts. Watch, it was a ploy.
Such security risks are mostly on the individual level and rarely on the governments themselves. That makes everyone a security risk. To assume that anyone is trustworthy is to not have any security at all.
OTTAWA - Prime Minister Jean Chrétien stuck to his story that U.S. President George W. Bush does not want to exclude Canada from lucrative contracts to rebuild Iraq.

Chrétien said Bush told him in a phone call that he was not happy that Canada was on a list of countries excluded from contracts. Chrétien said Bush told him he would see what he could do to change that. "I'm just telling you what I understood him to say," Chrétien told reporters after his final cabinet meeting. "He's the one that raised the problem, not me." Chrétien sparked confusion earlier in the day when he told a news conference that Bush had called him Thursday morning and told him to ignore reports in the media that Canada will not be eligible for contracts in the rebuilding of Iraq. "And he told me that the mention of Canada – that we were to be excluded from economic activities in Iraq – were not appropriate," Chrétien said. And he was telling me basically not to worry, so I said thank you." The White House has come under fire for saying it will shut out countries that refused to take part in the U.S.-led war on Iraq from bidding on $18 billion US worth of contracts. But U.S. officials said Bush was referring to sub-contracts when he told Chrétien that there would be business opportunities for Canada in Iraq.

If you always assume that any politician anywhere in the world is lying to you, you will very rarely be wrong.
freako, why are you referring to flav as a 'former member'? Is there something I missed? i thought he was just taking a break.
i dont knwo whats been going on wiht him. he maybe taking a break but he hasnt been here in a very long time thats why. sorry to refer to him that way but since he has been gone for so long i didnt think he would be ciming back. and yes you can claim that position too
Gato_Solo said:
Remember the story of The Little Red Hen ?

So...give us our slice and we'll promise t help next time? We've been helping, we did help, we are helping and will continue to help...

kindly put your switch away...we've been good little boys and girls up here in Canada.