US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pets

Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

"pretty well confirmed"
later said the meeting could not be proved or disproved

So he corrected himself after saying maybe :shrug:

Cheney connected Iraq to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing by saying that newly found Iraqi intelligence files in Baghdad showed that a participant in the bombing returned to Iraq and "probably also received financing from the Iraqi government as well as safe haven." He added: "The Iraqi government or the Iraqi intelligence service had a relationship with al Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s."

That's not 9/11
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

if you read the article, that last bit you quoted started with "Speaking about Iraq's alleged links to al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks".

It was said, it was alluded to, the people believed it because we live in the era of the sound byte. Now we're stuck with people still believing it. Like IN THIS THREAD.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

"Speaking about Iraq's alleged links to al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks" and then he never adressed it.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Gonz said:
A relationship between Al Qaeda & Iraq is not saying Iraq was involved with 9/11.

Iraq was a supporter of terrorism, plain & simple.

Even Bubba knew the truth:

"In the next century, the community of nations may see more and more the very kind of threat Iraq poses now -- a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction ready to use them or provide them to terrorists, drug traffickers or organized criminals who travel the world among us unnoticed.

If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow by the knowledge that they can act with impunity, even in the face of a clear message from the United Nations Security Council and clear evidence of a weapons of mass destruction program."

President Clinton
Address to Joint Chiefs of Staff and Pentagon staff
February 17, 1998

SADDAM HUSSEIN'S REGIME PROVIDED FINANCIAL support to Abu Sayyaf, the al Qaeda-linked jihadist group founded by Osama bin Laden's brother-in-law in the Philippines in the late 1990s, according to documents captured in postwar Iraq.

Why do liberals try to defend this mass murderer? He may have not piloted one of the planes on 9-11, but why would he want an image of himself and the burning WTC? Because he wished he had some involvement? No, because he sponsored terrorism, and he was proud of the results of his contribution.


(3d Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division soldiers found this painting. The caption to the mural of Hussein and the WTC says: "The Right Honorable, Mr. President, Leader, Holy Warrior Saddam Hussein (may God protect him)." The badge between Mr. Hussein and the WTC at the middle and top of the mural says: "Allah protect Iraq and Saddam.")
I continue to marvel at those who oppose the
adventure in Iraq.

Are they not in effect, supporting the ghastly regime
that Saddam lead?

C'Mon people in case you've not watched the news latley
Saddam was jerked outta a spider hole by U.S. troops
and is in jail!
Winky said:
I continue to marvel at those who oppose the
adventure in Iraq.

Are they not in effect, supporting the ghastly regime
that Saddam lead?

C'Mon people in case you've not watched the news latley
Saddam was jerked outta a spider hole by U.S. troops
and is in jail!
So then it's okay by you for the pres. to send American troops to remove a foreign head of state that he doesn't approve of? When are we going after Chirac? Sorry, Wink. As much of a good thing as it was, it's not a good enough reason to go to war. If it was we'd be at war with two thirds of the world. While Saddam was in power he wasn't the worst human rights offender in the world. Not even in the middle east. I don't support Saddam or any of the others either, but it's not a good enough reason to send Americans to die.
chcr said:
I don't support Saddam or any of the others either, but it's not a good enough reason to send Americans to die.

A leader has to start somewhere. Why not with a guy who's shot at our guys for over a decade...with a guy who has proven his will & intent to use NBCs...a guy who has finacially & physically supported terrorism? A guy who failed to keep his end of the bargain? A guy who snubbed his nose at the world, virtually saying "whatcha gonna do about it"?A guy who is strategically located?
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

chcr said:
So then it's okay by you for the pres. to send American troops to remove a foreign head of state that he doesn't approve of?

Yep We are the rulers of the world, after all.

When are we going after Chirac?

No that is Iran not France!

As much of a good thing as it was, it's not a good enough reason to go to war.

Pains ya to have to admit that don't it?
Oh and what IS a good enough reason to go to war.
Um dood three weeks really ain't a war anyway, is it?

If it was we'd be at war with two thirds of the world.

Like wake up and smell the kerosene of the flights out, of the Special Forces, we are at war with 2/3rds of the world. Not until everyone lives like U.S. will we (the world) be safe fer Demon-cracy!

Like the Man said: yer either with U.S. er the terrorists!

While Saddam was in power he wasn't the worst human rights offender in the world.

Ain't that special?

I don't support Saddam or any of the others either, but it's not a good enough reason to send Americans to die.

And so yet again what is your standard?
Just cuz Somali's are hungry, cuz Christians want to
protect themselves from Bosnian’s?

Fact is we can attack anyone we want whenever we wanna!

Ya mind yer pee's and queue's ya don't want yer name on that list!
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

...a guy who has finacially & physically supported terrorism?

Thats debateable at best. His ties to Al Qaeda were tenuous at best. Now if that is your argument why not go after Saudi Arabia?
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Good Gawd Amerika IS totally fucked up!

We 'invade' these places and want these backward
7th century bastards to hold elections!

We wanna build schools, roads and hospitals!

We want random beheadings and torture to stop
and fight the guys exploding car bombs in busy marketplaces.

We wring our hands over pre vs. post invasion levels of electricity service, fer Christ's sake, Jeebus

What a bunch of evil Amerikans!
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

freako104 said:
Thats debateable at best. His ties to Al Qaeda were tenuous at best. Now if that is your argument why not go after Saudi Arabia?
Gonz said:
A leader has to start somewhere. Why not with a guy who's shot at our guys for over a decade...with a guy who has proven his will & intent to use NBCs...a guy who has finacially & physically supported terrorism? A guy who failed to keep his end of the bargain? A guy who snubbed his nose at the world, virtually saying "whatcha gonna do about it"?A guy who is strategically located?'s hardly debateable...ask the Palestinians who received $25k for their dead son. Maybe the airplane fuselage was an anti-teror tool?
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

The fact that he paid homicide bombers' families is quite widely reported, freak.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

With the gradual release of these docs:
the "load" is getting a little heavy for the libs to pull.

A 9-11 Commission Dem is now seeing Hussein's Iraq as a supporter of al Queda and a terrorist threat.

Saddam, Al Qaeda Did Collaborate, Documents Show

By ELI LAKE - Staff Reporter of the Sun
March 24, 2006

CAIRO, Egypt - A former Democratic senator and 9/11 commissioner says a recently declassified Iraqi account of a 1995 meeting between Osama bin Laden and a senior Iraqi envoy presents a "significant set of facts," and shows a more detailed collaboration between Iraq and Al Qaeda.

The former senator from Nebraska said that the new document shows that "Saddam was a significant enemy of the United States." Mr. Kerrey said he believed America's understanding of the deposed tyrant's relationship with Al Qaeda would become much deeper as more captured Iraqi documents and audiotapes are disclosed

The new documents suggest that the 9/11 commission's final conclusion in 2004, that there were no "operational" ties between Iraq and Al Qaeda, may need to be reexamined in light of the recently captured documents.

Mr. Kerry also answered affirmatively when asked whether or not the release of more of the documents captured in Iraq could possibly shed further light on Iraq's relationship with al Qaeda.

A reporter for the Weekly Standard, Steven Hayes, yesterday said he thought the memorandum of the 1995 meeting demolishes the view of some terrorism experts that bin Laden and Saddam were incapable of cooperating for ideological and doctrinal reasons.

"Clearly from this document bin Laden was willing to work with Saddam to achieve his ends, and clearly from this document Saddam did not immediately reject the idea of working with bin Laden," Mr. Hayes said. "It is possible that documents will emerge later that suggest skepticism on the part of Iraqis to working with bin Laden, but this makes clear that there was a relationship."

Or for those who refuse to believe terrorist ties out of their undeniable hatred for America, and believe that these were only Peace Corp training camps:

Camp Saddam
What we've learned about Iraq's terrorist training camps.
by Stephen F. Hayes
04/03/2006, Volume 011, Issue 27

A new study from the Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia, paints quite a different picture. According to captured documents cited in the study and first reported in THE WEEKLY STANDARD in January, the former Iraqi regime was training non-Iraqi Arabs in terrorist techniques.

Beginning in 1994, the Fedayeen Saddam opened its own paramilitary training camps for volunteers, graduating more than 7,200 "good men racing full with courage and enthusiasm" in the first year. Beginning in 1998, these camps began hosting "Arab volunteers from Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, 'the Gulf,' and Syria." It is not clear from available evidence where all of these non-Iraqi volunteers who were "sacrificing for the cause" went to ply their newfound skills. Before the summer of 2002, most volunteers went home upon the completion of training.

But these camps were humming with frenzied activity in the months immediately prior to the war. As late as January 2003, the volunteers participated in a special training event called the "Heroes Attack."

This training event was designed in part to prepare regional Fedayeen Saddam commands to "obstruct the enemy from achieving his goal and to support keeping peace and stability in the province."

Among the documents released last week was a translation of a three-page Iraqi Intelligence memo regarding a wave of attacks to be conducted by the Saddam Fedayeen.

According to those orders, the Fedayeen Saddam was "to start planning from now on to perform special operations (assassinations/bombings) for the centers and the traitor symbols in the fields of (London/Iran/self-ruled areas) and for coordination with the Intelligence service to secure deliveries, accommodations, and target guidance." The execution of the plan would take place in several steps. After the IIS selected 50 "fedayeen martyrs," they were to receive training at an IIS school. Those who passed the tests would be assigned targets. "The first ten will work in the European field (London). The second ten will be working in the Iranian field. The third will be working in the self-ruled field."
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Winky said:
Fact is we can attack anyone we want whenever we wanna!

Doesn't necessarily follow that we should. :shrug:
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Gonz said:
A leader has to start somewhere. Why not with a guy who's shot at our guys for over a decade...
He shot at North America? Crap!

with a guy who has proven his will & intent to use NBCs...
Which guy? There's a ton of 'em.

a guy who has finacially & physically supported terrorism?
Saddam? Possibly he rewarded some palestinians. The Us certtainly pays far more money to the Israeli terrorists though.

A guy who failed to keep his end of the bargain? A guy who snubbed his nose at the world, virtually saying "whatcha gonna do about it"?
You're describing the US now right? ...or Israel?
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Winky said:
I continue to marvel at those who oppose the
adventure in Iraq.

Are they not in effect, supporting the ghastly regime
that Saddam lead?
Awww....look how cute. Winky's acting like he cares about Iraqis.

You should probably do that in another thread cuz you already rejoiced about killing their babies in this one.

Like the Man said: yer either with U.S. er the terrorists!
This guy?


Didn't know you were a commie Winky.

I like this one....

Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Winky said:
The more dead Iraqi babies the better!
So why are you talking about schools and hospitals and stuff?

You should put your Lenin quote in your sig or something.
cuz we're just buildin' them roads
so they can drive their babies
to the schools we built
so we can kill them babies!