US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pets

Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

colossal waste of more than a few resources
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

The Other One said:
He may have not piloted one of the planes on 9-11, but why would he want an image of himself and the burning WTC? Because he wished he had some involvement? No, because he sponsored terrorism, and he was proud of the results of his contribution.
The only halfway legitimate evidence of sponsored terrorism is of possible aid to palestinian terrorists to fight the israeli terrorists. That's has nothing to do with 9/11 or even the US.

Why even grasp at tenous links at all? There are plenty much more directly involved to be concerned with. Remember?

The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him. - GW Bush, 9/13/01

I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority. ------------------GW Bush, 3/13/02
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

dah jews and Bush got together and flew them planes into the world trade center everyone knows that ya silly
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Gotta get 'em while there are young Flav

get 'em ALL while their still babies!

Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Winky said:
Good Gawd Amerika IS totally fucked up!

We 'invade' these places and want these backward
7th century bastards to hold elections!

We wanna build schools, roads and hospitals!

We want random beheadings and torture to stop
and fight the guys exploding car bombs in busy marketplaces.

We wring our hands over pre vs. post invasion levels of electricity service, fer Christ's sake, Jeebus

What a bunch of evil Amerikans!

*Sigh* So many of you completely miss the point here. I'm one of the evil Americans. Let me explain why. We can raise the standard of living in the rest of the world. By lowering our own. Sorry, no thank you, not interested. You need to look more than a few years down the road.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

flavio said:
The only halfway legitimate evidence of sponsored terrorism is of possible aid to palestinian terrorists to fight the israeli terrorists. That's has nothing to do with 9/11 or even the US.

Why even grasp at tenous links at all? There are plenty much more directly involved to be concerned with. Remember?

You don't think these documents:

Obtained during Op Iraqi Freedom and being made available to the public as they are translated--

Containing the topics of Iraq's al Queda links and WMDs as referred to here:

Are legitimate evidence? There are 35,000 boxes of tapes and docs. Maybe one will produce information you won't consider "flimsy?"
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Gonz claims GWB never claimed a connection between Iraq and 9/11 so that's not why we're there.

So why look for tenous links to Al Queda instead of just concentrating on Al Queda?
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

In case someone misses it

but police and residents said many died in clashes between Shi'ite militia fighters and Americans."

I'd be willing to bet my life that if there weren't so many vocal detractors, crap like this wouldn't happen. Hanoi Jane meet Charlie Sheen.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

I betcha if we got the hell out of Iraq crap like this wouldn't happen.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

i'd just happen more frequently, we just wouldnt hear about it.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

How would the troops kill more civilians if they weren't there?
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

flavio said:
I betcha if we got the hell out of Iraq crap like this wouldn't happen.

The terrorists would kill more civilians but our troops wouldnt kill anyone over there
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Preemptive civilian killing
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

You've proven your dislike & disloyalty to the very men & women who protect your ability to piss & moan about them. Now. please, let it go.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

You have proven you're dislike and disloyalty and apparently are uncomfortable talking about it.
Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

Re: US Troops execute civilian women and children, blow up house, burn cars, kill pet

I guess talking about your disloyalty makes you tired too.
The Russian actually knows nothing about 9-11.
A mind blower indeed.

How do ya tell a 12 year old...