Usama & saddam are scared now

You could say it but you'd be wrong, just as Gotnolegs has been. POw's & armed combatants are not eligible for trial, they're prisoners.
Enemy combatants are the enemy...the ones we didn't arrest flew a fucking plane into the world trade center!
Gonz said:
You could say it but you'd be wrong, just as Gotnolegs has been. POw's & armed combatants are not eligible for trial, they're prisoners.

The US is holding British citizens without trial. Now unless I'm much mistaken and the US is actually at war with the UK then they are NOT POWs. If they are criminals then put them on trial. If they aren't let them go. If they are traitors because they fought against the coalition forces then they are traitors against the UK. Hand them over for the UK to deal with.

Or you could simply ignore the Geneva Convention, International Law and common couretsy and hold on to them.

Get your fucking facts straight before you start saying people are wrong.

I'd be a lot more convinced about this whole War on Terrorism thing if you carpet bombed the Boston Irish that have been supporting the IRA for the last 34 years... and while you're at it you could imprison (without trial) the makers of Jerry McGuire, that terrorist propoganda film. Oh no, hang on a minute, they don't have oil, better put them at the bottom of the list.
Gonz said:
Read the Geneva Convention. I have.

Did you miss the bit where POWs were defined?

How about the bit about religious freedom? Or perhaps IRC access? Or maybe even transfering POWs to other countries?

You tell me how the prisoners in your base in Cuba are being treated inaccordance with the GC then I'll agree with you. (I'm talking about the fourth convention of 1949 btw)
Gotnolegs said:
Did you miss the bit where POWs were defined?

How about the bit about religious freedom? Or perhaps IRC access? Or maybe even transfering POWs to other countries?

You tell me how the prisoners in your base in Cuba are being treated inaccordance with the GC then I'll agree with you. (I'm talking about the fourth convention of 1949 btw)

They don't fall under the guidlines. This is as close as it comes but they don't meet the requirements
2. Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements, belonging to a Party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own territory, even if this territory is occupied, provided that such militias or volunteer corps, including such organized resistance movements, fulfil the following conditions:

(a) That of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;

(b) That of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance;

(c) That of carrying arms openly;

(d) That of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.

To alleviate claims of mistreatment, the Pentagon temporarily suspended flights of prisoners to the base on Thursday January 24, 2002 to avoid overcrowding. It also allowed members of the International Red Cross and the British government to visit the camp. The Red Cross recommended some changes while the British officials reported that the three British citizens being held at the facility had no complaints. A US Senatorial delegation made up of Senators Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii, Ted Stevens of Alaska, Dianne Feinstein of California and Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, inspected Camp X-Ray on January 27, 2002, spending about two-and-a-half hours at the facility. By then, the number of detainees had grown to 158.

The detainees were reportedly well-fed, being provided correct dietary meals, with access to shower and toilet facilities. Islamic detainees have the opportunity to pray six times a day and are ministered to by two of the U.S. military's 12 Muslim chaplains. Detainees may freely converse with one another and each has access to a copy of the Koran, if they so choose.

As of February 1, 2002, detainee in-processing and questioning at Camp X-Ray had been limited to such subjects as basic name, place of birth, time of birth, name of parents, siblings and education, though according to Sen. Inouye more in-depth interrogations was to start soon thereafter.

Detainees at Camp X-Ray are housed in temporary 8-by-8 units surrounded by wire mesh. They sleep on 4-to-5 inch-thick mattresses with sheets and blankets. The mattresses are on the floor, as is Afghan custom. Each unit has a concrete slab floor and a combination wood & metal overhead cover.

Detention units are separated by chain link fence while razor wire and watchtowers surround the compound. Guards inside the compound carry no weapons, to prevent detainees from possibly capturing weapons. The guards outside the compound are armed, however.

As of March 27, 2002, there were 300 detainees in Camp X-Ray, representing at least 33 different countries.

Camp X-Ray
freako104 said:
same thing wiht evil and good. and freedom.its all in the eye of the beholder


Evil is intentionally targeting innocent civilians. Evil is genocide. Evil is imprisoning children. If you don't find these, and others, evil, then you fall under one of two categories: evil or stupid..
Gonz said:

Evil is intentionally targeting innocent civilians. Evil is genocide. Evil is imprisoning children. If you don't find these, and others, evil, then you fall under one of two categories: evil or stupid..

I'd have to agree for the most part, .....
but it depends on what you definition of is, is. :D
Gonz said:

Evil is intentionally targeting innocent civilians. Evil is genocide. Evil is imprisoning children. If you don't find these, and others, evil, then you fall under one of two categories: evil or stupid..


Innocenet civilians..Hiroshima.
Imprisoning children...the internment camps for people of Japanses decent in WWII.
Genocide...american indians.

Not saying there isn't evil, but somethings really are in the eye of the beholder, you know a suicide bomber who takes out a bus full of kids is evil, I know a suicide bomber who takes out a bus full of kids is evil, but the suicide bomber has no idea he is evil.