Vindication III

Gato_Solo said:
You expected me to believe the Guardian...:shrug: ;)

How about this source? It also talks about what I said...All work and no play may make Jack a dull boy, but all play and no work will make Jack a dumb jerk. ;)

Salam Pax is a famous blogger. His work has been published and a film is being made about him.

I use the guardian because its the best online newspaper especially for
Lopan said:
Salam Pax is a famous blogger. His work has been published and a film is being made about him.

I use the guardian because its the best online newspaper especially for

Salam-Arabic for peace
Pax-Latin for peace

Sounds like a man on a mission. It's also the voice of only one man. My sources quoted several. :shrug: Right, wrong, or indifferent, everybody in our sources has an agenda they'd like to be aired. I used MSNBC because most 'liberal' people wouldn't like Fox.
Gato_Solo said:
Salam-Arabic for peace
Pax-Latin for peace

Sounds like a man on a mission. It's also the voice of only one man. My sources quoted several. :shrug: Right, wrong, or indifferent, everybody in our sources has an agenda they'd like to be aired. I used MSNBC because most 'liberal' people wouldn't like Fox.

There are other types of people apart from Liberal or Rightwing. In Britain, Liberals are laughed at and would never get in power. The Rightwing is the BNP or Nazi's as you might call them. Everyone else is kind of in between depending on the issue. I would say I'm social capitalist with Euro leanings. :D
Lopan said:
There are other types of people apart from Liberal or Rightwing. In Britain, Liberals are laughed at and would never get in power. The Rightwing is the BNP or Nazi's as you might call them. Everyone else is kind of in between depending on the issue. I would say I'm social capitalist with Euro leanings. :D

:eek: And you're going to be an officer? ;)
Most people are socialists in the UK. Bill Bryson once said that the only country communism would have worked is in Britain, because we know how to queue.

Yes I am going to be an Officer. I'm not very political but I do love a good scrap. :lol2:
Gato_Solo said:
:eek: And you're going to be an officer? ;)

Gato... Britain is a socialist country...

What do you think the Labour Party originally stood for?

Okay now we have "New Labour" Tories in sheep's clothing but the principles enforced with the introduction of the NHS and current education scheme in the 40's still stand...

Health, Education and Care for all!!!!!!!
Lopan said:
Yes I am going to be an Officer. I'm not very political but I do love a good scrap. :lol2:

/me tosses bone. :D

1. How is Iraq better today than under the rule of Saddam Hussein?

2. How is it worse?
Oh!! Let me answer this one...

Gato_Solo said:
1. How is Iraq better today than under the rule of Saddam Hussein?

2. How is it worse?

1. Its not... but this way America gets its oil!!!!

2. Innocent victims/civis and soldiers (who should get the Hell out and let the Iraqis get on with it) are being killed... so America gets its oil!!!!

There may be a corrolation... :D

Its like everything else... no "help" is offered by another country without direct benefits for them...

Take the Tsunami for instance... yes... shocking... terrible but if Indonesia and Shri Lanka weren't Europe and the world's greatest cheap producers of clothing would the world have rallied round as much... probably not!
Americans use, maybe, 30% ME oil.

Europe use over 50%

Who's the big winner?

[edit]Iraq was better off, or at least equally set, under Saddam? CB, put down the bong.
Gato_Solo said:
/me tosses bone. :D

1. How is Iraq better today than under the rule of Saddam Hussein?

1. Freedom of expression
2. Freedom to disagree
3. Freedom to vote
4. Religous Freedom (tad dubious for non muslims)

2. How is it worse?

1. 100000 dead
2. Torture by liberators
3. Who asked if they wanted democracy?
4. 60% unemployment (according to msnbc)
5. Uncertain future
6. Possibility of Iran style theocracy
7. 1000 American and 70 British dead soldiers
8. Cause celeb for previously non existent insurgents/terrorists
9. Destroyed infrastructure
10. More whining from damn bleeding heart liberals
11. $85 billion dollars gone up in smoke
Gonz said:
Americans use, maybe, 30% ME oil.

Europe use over 50%

Who's the big winner?

[edit]Iraq was better off, or at least equally set, under Saddam? CB, put down the bong.

Its not use... its ownership of the oil companies... and where did I say they were worse... just that hardly anythings improved other than the oil prospects. :shrug:

Wanna toke? :hippy:
1)How many did the Husseins intentionally kill?
2)Oh really? Torture? Say, how many rape rooms does the west operate?
3)They are FREE
4)That will only improve
5)Certainty is death
6)Possibly..see how much the Iranians like it.
7)incredibly low War figures
9)It was only semi-solid in Baghdad
11)Peace dividend will pay this off with masive interest
ClaireBear said:
Its not use... its ownership of the oil companies... and where did I say they were worse... just that hardly anythings improved other than the oil prospects. :shrug:

Wanna toke? :hippy:

Gato said:
1. How is Iraq better today than under the rule of Saddam Hussein?
CB said:
1. Its not...
If you're gonna get pedantic Gonz...

Gato said:
1. How is Iraq better today than under the rule of Saddam Hussein?

me said:
1. Its not...

my post only suggests it hasn't got better... I didn't suggest the situation had got worse.

..And quit boggarting that!!!
ClaireBear said:
If you're gonna get pedantic Gonz...

my post only suggests it hasn't got better... I didn't suggest the situation had got worse.

..And quit boggarting that!!!

Sorry, that stuff makes people goofy.

[edit]Iraq was better off, or at least equally set, under Saddam?
Oh, and before I have to go & fulfill my capialtist duties...yes, Iarq is far better off today than under saddam & family. To bad the only news is bad news. They infrastructure has entered the 20th century, the children have functioning schools (as oppoese to hatred centers) & hospitals are stocked since Chirac, Putin & Koffee are out of the picture.
Until the people are left to run their own country in the way they see fit... what's the difference between this "dictatorship" and that of Saddam's?

The way I see... the "peace keeping" forces should get the Hell on out of there and let them get on with it... although the "peace keeping" nations have a vested interest so thats unlikely...
Gonz said:
1)How many did the Husseins intentionally kill?
2)Oh really? Torture? Say, how many rape rooms does the west operate?
3)They are FREE
4)That will only improve
5)Certainty is death
6)Possibly..see how much the Iranians like it.
7)incredibly low War figures
9)It was only semi-solid in Baghdad
11)Peace dividend will pay this off with masive interest

1. 100000 dead unintentionally is even worse
2. We will probably find out that theres quite a few
3. FREE? To be unemployed, have no water, and be in serious mortal danger?
4. You would have to ask Halliburton
5. Certainty is Death? They may agree
6. Iranian political influence, rather than direct interference
7. Their families may disagree
8. Samara? Mosul? Falluja?
9. Now its less than that
10. More whining from damn bleeding heart liberals
11. seriously doubt that
100000 is the generally accepted number. Thats alot of people even for accidents.

Would that many people have died if Hussein had still been in power?