Vote Republican this election


molṑn labé
Staff member
To all you libs, dems, greenies, socialists, etc. For over 50 years there has never been a majority Rep. congress & a Rep. President in the White House. Before James Carville & Bill Clinton embarass your party anymore, go ahead & vote republican this year. You have nobody of interest on the ballot. Nobody has an original idea.

In 2 years, if we've gone to hell in a hand basket as you fear, then it will be a easy & major turnaround. You can then get al least 22 more years of backlash for the giant screwup the RNC pulled off in '02-'04.

If the republicans don't screw up, you can always change party affiliations.

Why not give it a try. You'll be back in full power in '04, right?
Indeed. Libertarians are stand alones by nature. They have no innate ability to organize and put up the kind of smoke and mirrors dog act that the others do. We need a parlimentary system or we will be doomed to have a 2 party 'lesser of two evils' embarrassment governing body forever.

Ross Perot almost shook that monkey... but he flaked something fierce.
They have no innate ability to organize and put up the kind of smoke and mirrors dog act that the others do
That's simply because you can't refrain from opening your mouths. Some of us conservatives have that same problem as well. :D
Funny you should post this thread. This year is the first year I'm almost tempted to vote republican for governor. I just can't decide which way to go.
I usually end up either voting Republican or just not voting. There's a limit to the concept of voting for the lesser of two evils. Sometimes the evil is so great and the difference so slight, that it's better to just stay home.
MitchSchaft said:
I'd atleast go out and show my support by voting for someone else.

:shrug: Support for what? Voting for who else? If I consider all the choices to be evil, then why would I vote for any of them? If there were a third party that I could vote for with a clear conscience, I would do that even though I knew it was a futile gesture.
I would have seriously considered voting Republican for Prez last time if John McCain had made it a little farther.

Just goes to show how futile it is though. The Republicans finally get a decent candidate and screw it all up.
To those who must vote DNC, ask yourself this:

After 50+ years of majority control of the Congress & many years of full control of the governent as a whole, why are the same problems being brought up, again & again & again? It seem to me that the Dems are lying to you or not fixing the problem to keep themselves employed.
Who here agrees with me that the race for governor of California this year should go into all future political science textbooks as a perfect example of how to completely and unequivocally fuck up a campaign? Gray Davis had absolutely no chance at re-election, or so it looked in March.