No problem. I'm not a fan of censorship either, even if I don't agree with you. Ok, I don't exactly DISAGREE with you in this case. They certainly are as socialist as "communist Europe" or the soviet union EVER was. The only difference is, we have a larger economy, so they can make it appear to work better here.
I can say, that with some recent events, I have changed my stance a little on a totally free market, and market forces, but the Dems are still a little too far to the left for my taste. I'm still kind of a libertarian, but maybe closer to a repub than a libertarian.
I personally don't think people are born with a "God-given" right to health care, education, clothes, food, a big screen TV, digital cable, DSL, a BMW, and all the other things the dems would like to convince everyone they can have as long as they vote for them. Ok, maybe they haven't promised all that yet, but thats not the voting block they are after. You have to target your campaign, healthcare, Social Security, "free" prescription drugs, etc etc. THe problem is, they always promise more than they can deliver, and always place the burden of paying for their promises on the rest of us. Its too bad it works the way it does, cuz unfortunately, the dems will win most elections in the future, regardless. Everyone votes for their own self interest, to do otherwise would be foolish. Therefore, once the gerontocracy is strenghened as the Baby Boomers retire the dems will win a hell of a lot more. That is, unless the repubs start making promises that we can't afford too. Its a no win situation really. I think I might stop voting myself. I don't care about any of the "issues" that they create around election time. None are of interest to me, and I can't stop or counteract the vote of the old. Politicians in both camps know this, thats why they don't care about us. Oh well. Like I said, I'm voting for Jesse in 2004. However, if Hillary wins, I'm leaving!!!