Vote Republican this election

ill just vote democrat. thats how i was raised. i wouldve voted for McCain but i ended uo voting for Ralph Neader.
Fact is that niether party is fit to rule this country. Both parties, Republican and Democrat are ruled by the fanatics in their respective parties. Any candidate with a strong backbone is immediately thrown out in order to find someone who fits the 'party line'. I vote for whom I please...and most of the time, it's not for either party.
Communism is the political order in which nobody owns anything & all is shared among the masses.

Soicalism is the economic state in where everyone shares the wealth, thereby eliminating rich & poor.

freak-vote independent, may the best candidate win. Party lines are for the weak minded.
Gonz said:
Soicalism is the economic state in where everyone shares the wealth, thereby eliminating rich & poor.

You mean: "thereby eliminating the rich and the middle class, and making everyone poor."
Ardsgaine said:
Gonz said:
Soicalism is the economic state in where everyone shares the wealth, thereby eliminating rich & poor.

You mean: "thereby eliminating the rich and the middle class, and making everyone poor."
...except the top government officials, and then you end up with Communism...

Beautiful :D
Ardsgaine said:
Gonz said:
Soicalism is the economic state in where everyone shares the wealth, thereby eliminating rich & poor.

You mean: "thereby eliminating the rich and the middle class, and making everyone poor."

well, yea that's what I meant :D

No problem. I'm not a fan of censorship either, even if I don't agree with you. Ok, I don't exactly DISAGREE with you in this case. They certainly are as socialist as "communist Europe" or the soviet union EVER was. The only difference is, we have a larger economy, so they can make it appear to work better here.

I can say, that with some recent events, I have changed my stance a little on a totally free market, and market forces, but the Dems are still a little too far to the left for my taste. I'm still kind of a libertarian, but maybe closer to a repub than a libertarian.

I personally don't think people are born with a "God-given" right to health care, education, clothes, food, a big screen TV, digital cable, DSL, a BMW, and all the other things the dems would like to convince everyone they can have as long as they vote for them. Ok, maybe they haven't promised all that yet, but thats not the voting block they are after. You have to target your campaign, healthcare, Social Security, "free" prescription drugs, etc etc. THe problem is, they always promise more than they can deliver, and always place the burden of paying for their promises on the rest of us. Its too bad it works the way it does, cuz unfortunately, the dems will win most elections in the future, regardless. Everyone votes for their own self interest, to do otherwise would be foolish. Therefore, once the gerontocracy is strenghened as the Baby Boomers retire the dems will win a hell of a lot more. That is, unless the repubs start making promises that we can't afford too. Its a no win situation really. I think I might stop voting myself. I don't care about any of the "issues" that they create around election time. None are of interest to me, and I can't stop or counteract the vote of the old. Politicians in both camps know this, thats why they don't care about us. Oh well. Like I said, I'm voting for Jesse in 2004. However, if Hillary wins, I'm leaving!!!
For you perhaps, not for me. Communism/socialism is leftist. Communism IS socialism. Socialism isn't necessarily communism though, but there isn't that much of a difference. The one is just more to the left, which is the way the Democrats are going.

By that logic the Republicans are headed towards Fascism right?

No, of course not. You think the Republicans are headed towards "good" and will vote a party line no matter who the candidate is just like your parents told you to.
Moderation is the key. Like Islam, our political arena has been usurped by extremists. The balance is no longer there.
fascism - a nationalistic, authoritarian, anti-communist movement founded by Benito Mussolini in Italy in 1919. Fascism was a response to the economic hardship and social disorder that ensued after the end of World War I. The main elements of fascism were pride in the nation, anti-Marxism, the complete rejection of parliamentary democracy, the cultivation of military virtues, strong government, and loyalty to a strong leader. Fascists wore a uniform of a black shirt and and used a greeting derived from ancient Rome of the outstretched arm. Mussolini's Black Shirts (as they were known) seized power in 1922. A movement modeled on fascism, Germany's National Socialism (Nazism) also began its rise in the 1920s. In 1936 in Spain, General Francisco Franco's fascists seized power and precipitated a three-year civil war, with Franco victorious. Italian fascism collapsed with the death of Mussolini and the end of World War II. Although since then there have been South American military regimes that have adopted some of the terminology and concepts of fascism, fascism in its classic form is considered to have died with Mussolini. Sometimes the term is used now as a term of abuse, triggered by any real or imagined outbreak of authoritarian thought or behavior.

Republicans are fairly close to the definition except for the rejection of parlimentary democracy and the stron government ideals. All Republicans that I can think of desire smaller government.
LastLegionary said:
For you perhaps, not for me. Communism/socialism is leftist. Communism IS socialism. Socialism isn't necessarily communism though, but there isn't that much of a difference. The one is just more to the left, which is the way the Democrats are going.

LL, does that mean its fair to call the right wingers nazis? Where will it end? It just doesn't help in any way to enhance communication. By all means, voice your opinions. But I for one don't appreciate being refered to as communist for voicing mine. Especially when you feel the need to throw in those subliminal "Ks".
Kudos, ris. I thought that a very classy move.
Thanks, but I'm not really in the mood for discussion, I merely voiced an opinion who I'd prefer to vote for and made a call not to vote for Komrade Klimton's Commie Party

I love how if you are right wing you are a Republican, but if you are left wing you are a member of "Komrade Klimton's Commie Party"..
i am deadly serious about this, the use of the term 'commie' outside its context has caused a great deal of angst and upset on both sides. i am disappointed that lastlegionary's memory is so short as to forget those times, both he and i were squarely at the centre of it.

given the outcry over the use of communist imagery by members called 'commies' and the massive slanging match over the use of teh word 'nazi' there can really be no place for either term outside discussions of communism and nazis/fascism directly.
Squiggy said:
LastLegionary said:
For you perhaps, not for me. Communism/socialism is leftist. Communism IS socialism. Socialism isn't necessarily communism though, but there isn't that much of a difference. The one is just more to the left, which is the way the Democrats are going.

LL, does that mean its fair to call the right wingers nazis? Where will it end? It just doesn't help in any way to enhance communication. By all means, voice your opinions. But I for one don't appreciate being refered to as communist for voicing mine. Especially when you feel the need to throw in those subliminal "Ks".
Kudos, ris. I thought that a very classy move.
Ah lets see. Nazi: a member of a German fascist party controlling Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler.

Since I'm not a German, not a member of the Nazi party, nor do I approve of wiping out anyone who isn't my race, I don't think right wingers are Nazis. Nazi is a PARTY. Communism is a system.
Look, why does everyone get insulted at being called a commie but not a socialist? Its the same fucking thing by definition. If you don't agree, fine, our definitions don't match up. But with the people I talk to in general and where I come from, we use the terms interchangably for most part.

And before anyone calls me a fascist, I don't agree with half the stuff up there. I'm just a right-winger, proud of my country, want to improve life here first, want a small government that don't meddle, and so on. :shrug: I'm not going to argue this any further.
LastLegionary said:
Look, why does everyone get insulted at being called a commie but not a socialist? Its the same fucking thing by definition. If you don't agree, fine, our definitions don't match up. But with the people I talk to in general and where I come from, we use the terms interchangably for most part.

And before anyone calls me a fascist, I don't agree with half the stuff up there. I'm just a right-winger, proud of my country, want to improve life here first, want a small government that don't meddle, and so on. :shrug: I'm not going to argue this any further.

So it's alright for you to call anyone who votes for a Democratic candidate a commie?

You're not going to argue it any further because you're boxed into a corner.
Squiggy said:
?( So when was I part of a communist regime?
Definitely. Far from as extreme as the USSR, but it is a sliding scale, and the democrats are definitely leaning towards communism/socialism/marxism/leninism/whatever you want to call it.
LastLegionary said:
Squiggy said:
?( So when was I part of a communist regime?
Definitely. Far from as extreme as the USSR, but it is a sliding scale, and the democrats are definitely leaning towards communism/socialism/marxism/leninism/whatever you want to call it.

...and then the Republicans are leaning towards Fascism and Nazism on that sliding scale by your logic.