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Go Canadian

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Planning a European vacation and don't want to talk American politics with an inquisitive foreigner? A New Mexico T-shirt company suggests going Canadian.

For $24.95, T-shirtKing.com offers the "Go Canadian" package, full of just the kind of things an American traveler can use to keep a vacation free of U.S. politics.

There's a Canadian flag T-shirt, a Canadian flag lapel pin and a Canadian patch for luggage or a backpack. There's also a quick reference guide — "How to Speak Canadian, Eh?" — on answering questions about Canada.

It is the brainchild of employees at the Mountainair, N.M.-based company known for comical T-shirts it sells worldwide on the Internet.

"It's not meant as a slight against the United States or Canada," explained T-shirtKing.com President Bill Broadbent. "It was meant as something Republicans could give their Democrat friends to say 'C'est la vie.' ... But maybe not c'est la vie because that's a French word."

This isn't the first time the company has poked fun at politics. They held a political slogan T-shirt contest for the election. Among the favorites: "Might as well vote Republican, because they'll say you did anyway."

The "Go Canadian" idea emerged while Broadbent and several co-workers were chatting about a possible product to fill the gap between the end of their political slogan contest and another contest they plan for January.

One of Broadbent's colleagues had heard of someone harassed about U.S. politics during a recent overseas trip.

Some people might not mind, but others "just want to be on vacation," Broadbent said. "So we were joking that they could just go as Canadians, and that just kind of evolved."

The package went up on T-shirtKing.com's Web site Nov. 12 and the company sold a couple hundred — in New Mexico and elsewhere — in the first two weeks or so.

When lifelong Democrat Dani Delaney saw the package, she was immediately sold. After the general election, she said, "if I could move to Canada, I would."

"I admire their liberal, progressive stand on things," said the 57-year-old writing instructor at the University of New Mexico. "And I thought, 'Well, that's a good way to peacefully protest.'"

Sylvia Dawson's boyfriend has been joking with the Ontario native that she needs to find him a Canadian flag for an upcoming trip to Spain. That's after his daughter, who is studying there, warned that he might be questioned about politics.

So the 45-year-old Bernalillo resident bought a package.

"I said, 'What are you going to do if someone asks you about the prime minister of Canada?' And he said, 'I'll study up,'" Dawson said.

:canada: I'm not American...don't shoot!!! I'm Canadian, eh!
That usually doesn't work unless you have a fake Canadian passport as well. An outright maple leaf tshirt is probably a bit too much. I think a simple hockey jersey would go over more convincingly. Also, a terrorist can suddenly loom up into your face and yell questions about centigrade temperature which most yanks can't answer.
It comes with a Canadian facts booklet, Unc.

My problem is that with all these yanks posing as canucks, they're gonna ruin the canuck rep too.
unclehobart said:
That usually doesn't work unless you have a fake Canadian passport as well. An outright maple leaf tshirt is probably a bit too much. I think a simple hockey jersey would go over more convincingly. Also, a terrorist can suddenly loom up into your face and yell questions about centigrade temperature which most yanks can't answer.

Psst: 5/9*(F-32)
Professur said:
My problem is that with all these yanks posing as canucks, they're gonna ruin the canuck rep too.


For as long as I can remember everyone has always said to travel with a Canadian flag on your luggage to show you're Canadian and not American...so, OBVIOUSLY the American tourists are not looked upon to highly...and now if they're pretending to be Canadians everyone is gonna hate Canadian tourists too!!!

This sickens me...if Americans wanna be more like Canadians then be more like Canadians! Don't just change your exterior! And changing the way you talk and memorizing facts about Canada to cover your ass doesn't count ans changing your insides!

Nixy said:

For as long as I can remember everyone has always said to travel with a Canadian flag on your luggage to show you're Canadian and not American...so, OBVIOUSLY the American tourists are not looked upon to highly...and now if they're pretending to be Canadians everyone is gonna hate Canadian tourists too!!!

This sickens me...if Americans wanna be more like Canadians then be more like Canadians! Don't just change your exterior! And changing the way you talk and memorizing facts about Canada to cover your ass doesn't count ans changing your insides!


I've never had a problem travelling overseas...and I've never pretended to be Canadian. In fact, I find that to be an insult that people think I should. Everybody knows that Canada doesn't even exist...;)
Gato_Solo said:
I've never had a problem travelling overseas...and I've never pretended to be Canadian.

Yes, but most tourists don't carry automatic weapons either.
chcr said:

Psst: 5/9*(F-32)

It's easier than that and far more logical than farenheight

Water freezes at 0
Water boils at 100
If it's snowing..it's below zero...claim that it's at least -20 with windchill and you'll be fine. Add on that it's too hot for your tastes and they'll really believe you're Canadian, eh. :D

Anything above 10 is balmy, anything above 20 is too fuckin' hot for you. At +30 really complain about the heat...at +35 pass out dramatically and then ask for a cold beer or three. :D

For the really realistic...bitch about Hockey, the millionaire babies on strike and the billionaire assholes who paid the babies too much and just realized that it's getting expensive.
I know it comes with a fact book. The tell tale signs are the 2 second pauses as they think about the fact and formulate an answer wherein a native has instinctive responses.
Professur said:
Yes, but most tourists don't carry automatic weapons either.

I've only carried a weapon with me once...in Bosnia...Every time I've been to Europe besides then, I've always gone without any weaponry except my wits...
Gato_Solo said:
I've always gone without any weaponry except my wits...

Okay for you, but what about Gonz???? :lol2:

*I really crack myself up sometimes...*

*j/k per Leslie*
Gato_Solo said:
I've only carried a weapon with me once...in Bosnia...Every time I've been to Europe besides then, I've always gone without any weaponry except my wits...

Yeah but you're a nice person.

I've heard from a lot of people that American tourists can, in general, be asses. They expect to be served NOW, the expect everything NOW and they don't think they need to ask nicely. This is what I have heard from people whom I know who have travelled a lot and they either experienced it or in some cases were told by people in the area to which they travelled...I woudln't think being American in and of itself would automatically have you labelled 100% evil in MOST places but the moment an American gets snotty apparently the natives have no time of day cause they've seen it all to often. This is the repututation that Americans have given themselves...Canadians however do not have that rep...YET...if the not so good Americans start pretending to be Canadian then we will...
Nixy said:
Yeah but you're a nice person.

I've heard from a lot of people that American tourists can, in general, be asses. They expect to be served NOW, the expect everything NOW and they don't think they need to ask nicely. This is what I have heard from people whom I know who have travelled a lot and they either experienced it or in some cases were told by people in the area to which they travelled...I woudln't think being American in and of itself would automatically have you labelled 100% evil in MOST places but the moment an American gets snotty apparently the natives have no time of day cause they've seen it all to often. This is the repututation that Americans have given themselves...Canadians however do not have that rep...YET...if the not so good Americans start pretending to be Canadian then we will...

You forgot, "they expect to be served in English, or they'll say it again louder"
Nixy said:
Yeah but you're a nice person.

I've heard from a lot of people that American tourists can, in general, be asses. They expect to be served NOW, the expect everything NOW and they don't think they need to ask nicely. This is what I have heard from people whom I know who have travelled a lot and they either experienced it or in some cases were told by people in the area to which they travelled...I woudln't think being American in and of itself would automatically have you labelled 100% evil in MOST places but the moment an American gets snotty apparently the natives have no time of day cause they've seen it all to often. This is the repututation that Americans have given themselves...Canadians however do not have that rep...YET...if the not so good Americans start pretending to be Canadian then we will...

Those Americans that people complain about are actually in the minority. How many times have you remembered when somebody foreign was polite to you? Be exact in the detail. Now how many times do you remember when somebody foreign was rude to you? I suspect that the rude, although a much smaller number, is much easier to remember than the polite...and I mean down to the smallest detail. ;)

Take this joke, for instance...

An American soldier, serving in World War II, had just returned from several weeks of intense action on the German front lines. He had finally been granted R&R and was on a train bound for Paris.

The train was very crowded, so the soldier walked the length of the train, looking for an empty seat. The only unoccupied seat was directly adjacent to a well dressed middle aged lady and was being used by her little dog.

The war weary soldier asked, "Please, ma'am, may I sit in that seat?"

The French woman looked down her nose at the soldier, sniffed and said, "You Americans. You are such a rude class of people. Can't you see my Little Fife is using that seat?"

The soldier walked away, determined to find a place to rest, but after another" trip down to the end of the train, found himself again facing the woman with the dog.

Again he asked, "Please, lady. May I sit there? I'm very tired."

The French woman wrinkled her nose and snorted, "You Americans! Not only are you rude, you are also arrogant. Imagine!"

The soldier didn't say anything else; he leaned over, picked up the little dog, tossed it out the window of the train and sat down in the empty seat.

The woman shrieked and railed, and demanded that someone defend her and punish the soldier.

An English soldier sitting across the aisle then spoke up, "You know, sir, you Americans do seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. You eat holding the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your autos on the wrong side of the road. And now, sir, you've thrown the wrong bitch out the window."
Ok, so they're not the majority...they're still in greater number than Canadians it would seem...
All I was trying to say was that there is SOME reasons Canadian tourists are more well liked...and whatever makes foreigners not like Americans so much risks tarnishing Canada's rep if those Americans who make it bad for all other Americans start pretending to be Canadian.
You're absolutely right, Gato. But it only takes one bad apple .....

Some of my best friends are americans. I frequently vacation in the south. But given the choice again, I still wouldn't live there.
Nixy said:
All I was trying to say was that there is SOME reasons Canadian tourists are more well liked...and whatever makes foreigners not like Americans so much risks tarnishing Canada's rep if those Americans who make it bad for all other Americans start pretending to be Canadian.

The reason that Canadian tourists are more 'well liked' is because they're not American. If you look, the French aren't well liked outside of France either. :shrug: It's all based on perception. Most of the world has always thought of US citizens as boorish brutes who spend their days riding horses, drinking beer, and shooting at each other. We all know that isn't true, but the perception remains, so all it takes is one boorish lout to make a scene, and we're all cast in the same lot.
I tend to be with Gato here.... but

If you get bad service, you tell ten people. If you get good service, you only tell one or two. The same goes in the opposite direction.

There must be some reason why Canadians are so well loved when our closest neighbours are thought of as rude and brash. :shrug: Perhaps, it's just in comparison.

Then again...how many Americans will say "thank you" to an Interac (instant teller) machine? I hear it up here all the time. We're just too damn polite. L:D
MrBishop said:
I tend to be with Gato here.... but

If you get bad service, you tell ten people. If you get good service, you only tell one or two. The same goes in the opposite direction.

There must be some reason why Canadians are so well loved when our closest neighbours are thought of as rude and brash. :shrug: Perhaps, it's just in comparison.

Nope. It's more like 'You're not American, so you must be okay'. ;)

Bish said:
Then again...how many Americans will say "thank you" to an Interac (instant teller) machine? I hear it up here all the time. We're just too damn polite. L:D

Perhaps...but that just sounds a bit insane. Do you tell your car 'thank you for getting me home?' I do...but, then again, my car was built in 1988. :D