Want to travel safely this year?

Gato_Solo said:
Perhaps...but that just sounds a bit insane. Do you tell your car 'thank you for getting me home?' I do...but, then again, my car was built in 1988. :D

All the time. More than once i kissed the steering wheel pulling into a gas station too.
Professur said:
All the time. More than once i kissed the steering wheel pulling into a gas station too.

Fuel gauge not working, or driving til it's on 'E'? :D
A little of column a, a little from column b. Sprinkle liberally with driving late at night, and far from civilisation. Top with having a brand specific company gas card.
Professur said:
A little of column a, a little from column b. Sprinkle liberally with driving late at night, and far from civilisation. Top with having a brand specific company gas card.

Ahh...you forgot to fill the tank before you went on your trip. :grinyes:
Um, no. Canada's a big-ass place, and I've driven across a fair chunk of it. More than a few times it's been more than a tankful one way. Sometimes it's more than a tankful per day.
Professur said:
Um, no. Canada's a big-ass place, and I've driven across a fair chunk of it. More than a few times it's been more than a tankful one way. Sometimes it's more than a tankful per day.

I already knew Canada was a big-ass place. I just didn't think you'd have to drive from Newfoundland to Saskatchewan in one day... :eek:
It's more like Mtl, to Sherbrooke, to Amos, and back to Mtl. Or Mtl to Gaspe. You know the old expression. "Don't make yourself indespensible. If you do, you won't get promoted". Well, I made that mistake. And sometimes it catches up with me.
Gato_Solo said:
I already knew Canada was a big-ass place. I just didn't think you'd have to drive from Newfoundland to Saskatchewan in one day... :eek:

It's about a tank of gas per province from Brampton Ont to North Sydney Nova Scotia :D and you can cover each province in about 5 hours :D
Nixy said:
All I was trying to say was that there is SOME reasons Canadian tourists are more well liked...and whatever makes foreigners not like Americans so much risks tarnishing Canada's rep if those Americans who make it bad for all other Americans start pretending to be Canadian.
Yeah,but those that would tarnish our good name ,are proud of their behavior and wouldn't think of being anyrhing but American ,so they won't pretend to be Canadian.
Nixy said:
It's about a tank of gas per province from Brampton Ont to North Sydney Nova Scotia :D and you can cover each province in about 5 hours :D
once you hit the mountains it kinda slows you down ,about 24hrs from Vancouver to Saskatoon (2 1/2 provinces non-stop).
A.B.Normal said:
Yeah,but those that would tarnish our good name ,are proud of their behavior and wouldn't think of being anyrhing but American ,so they won't pretend to be Canadian.

Down and dirty truth. Most of those countries talking bad about US citizen tourists have a rather large US military presence as well. We are briefed to keep a low profile, and most of us do. There are some, however, who refuse to be a gracious guest...like one poor chap who was in Panama when I was there. He refused to follow the advice of the people who know, and found himself near a large anti-US demonstration. Unfortunately for him, he was wearing a t-shirt with old glory on it, and the phrase "Try and burn this flag". Luckily, the police were in the area, and all he got was second degree burns on his chest and back...:shrug: Some people never learn. As I've stated before, I'm sure there are people like that in every country...thing is, most of them never travel outside their own state. Trust me on this. I've been to places where the people treat me quite well...until they find out I'm an American. Those places were Victoria, BC...Gander, Newfoundland, and a small club in Germany...but the German club doorman didn't want me around because of my race...:shrug:...at least he was honest. The manager of the club, OTOH, was quite upset with the doorman when he saw me turn around to leave. I didn't catch a lot of what the manager said, but quite a bit of it was language you don't generally use in public. :blush:
I have an American associate, who has just gotten her NZ citizenship. Anyway, when we're out at dinner, a few times, she's started with that whole hassling the waiter about the food thing. It's quite funny actually, she's turned to me and said, "I'm doing that obnoxious American thing again, aren't I?", with a laugh. :D Anyway, I've met a handful of obnoxious Americans in the retail industry, but I haven't noticed an overwhelming number. :shrug: Mostly, the rude ones are the kiwis. :rolleyes: I guess it's conditioning - Americans are brought up to expect a certain level of service (tips-based system), whereas in the rest of the world, the retail/service industry has only recently become more customer-focussed/driven - it wasn't too long ago that a waiter could tell a customer to fuck off if they were being rude.:shrug:
Hell no.

My t-shirt would read
American here. Please don't bother me. I am a certified GW Bush supporter & an evil conservative. Should you chose to engage me, I'll find oil under your lands too.
A.B.Normal said:
once you hit the mountains it kinda slows you down ,about 24hrs from Vancouver to Saskatoon (2 1/2 provinces non-stop).

It's almost 24 hours out of Ont if you're heading west...

But, from here to Nova Scotia is only about 19-20 non stop...they say it's a 24hour drive but that's for wusses! :D
Gato_Solo said:
Down and dirty truth. Most of those countries talking bad about US citizen tourists have a rather large US military presence as well. We are briefed to keep a low profile, and most of us do. There are some, however, who refuse to be a gracious guest...like one poor chap who was in Panama when I was there. He refused to follow the advice of the people who know, and found himself near a large anti-US demonstration. Unfortunately for him, he was wearing a t-shirt with old glory on it, and the phrase "Try and burn this flag". Luckily, the police were in the area, and all he got was second degree burns on his chest and back...:shrug: Some people never learn. As I've stated before, I'm sure there are people like that in every country...thing is, most of them never travel outside their own state. Trust me on this. I've been to places where the people treat me quite well...until they find out I'm an American. Those places were Victoria, BC...Gander, Newfoundland, and a small club in Germany...but the German club doorman didn't want me around because of my race...:shrug:...at least he was honest. The manager of the club, OTOH, was quite upset with the doorman when he saw me turn around to leave. I didn't catch a lot of what the manager said, but quite a bit of it was language you don't generally use in public. :blush:

Really? Not a warm welcome in Newfoundland?? Surprising...
BeardofPants said:
I have an American associate, who has just gotten her NZ citizenship. Anyway, when we're out at dinner, a few times, she's started with that whole hassling the waiter about the food thing. It's quite funny actually, she's turned to me and said, "I'm doing that obnoxious American thing again, aren't I?", with a laugh. :D Anyway, I've met a handful of obnoxious Americans in the retail industry, but I haven't noticed an overwhelming number. :shrug: Mostly, the rude ones are the kiwis. :rolleyes: I guess it's conditioning - Americans are brought up to expect a certain level of service (tips-based system), whereas in the rest of the world, the retail/service industry has only recently become more customer-focussed/driven - it wasn't too long ago that a waiter could tell a customer to fuck off if they were being rude.:shrug:
Can you elaborate on this 'american' thing at restaurants?
Hmn... It doesn't happen much here. Granted, some people are impossible and need to be kicked in the face, but 95% follow the old mantra of never complaining but also never going back when service is sucko.

Most of the people that I knew who were a PITA came from the northeast, older women, and people with more money than brains.
rich older women are the worst to wait on. old men don't tip well unless you flirt with them. old couples never tip much. the hispanics will tip well if you don't have that "fucking mexicans" attitude and treat them like actual people, the teenagers are the same way. men ages 25-45 will tip well if you make alot of eye contact and smile. black people are hard to peg. they either tip well or don't tip at all. people with babies and obnoxious kids usually tip good. the best tipper in my opinion are average everyday blue collar guys. did i leave anyon out?
unclehobart said:
Hmn... It doesn't happen much here. Granted, some people are impossible and need to be kicked in the face, but 95% follow the old mantra of never complaining but also never going back when service is sucko.

That's pretty much what happens here as well, and don't worry, I don't think that being American automatically makes one an arrogant get. :winkkiss:

Most of the people that I knew who were a PITA came from the northeast, older women, and people with more money than brains.

Yeah, and and I guess they can afford a lot of traveling to ass-end countries on the bottom of the planet. :rolleyes: