Warning!! Extreme cold warnings in Montreal

It was -12 and sunny today. I was walking around with my jacket open, thinking "Hmmm. A nice warm breeze".
Nixy said:

Bish! Give it to me straight! I can take it!!! (note: "straight" = in celcius"

today -29C -51 with windchill
Tomorrow -32C ditto with windchill
Thursday -26C -45C with windchill

now, in english

Fuckin cold today, tomorrow and Thursday.

Oh, and Prof... try going out tonight with that coat open and I promise to help you find your frozen nips that chipped off and fell in the snow...ok maybe not :p
Rose said:
Hey Canadians - why don't you just keep that shit up there. I'd like to keep my 57f for as long as I can and enjoy every bit of it.

Don't lump me in with those folks ,its +7 Cel here and its supposed to be double digits tomorrow. :swing:
A.B.Normal said:
Don't lump me in with those folks ,its +7 Cel here and its supposed to be double digits tomorrow. :swing:
bastich warm left coast hippie freaks! :hmm:
You know, I used to live in upstate New York. Please not that I do not live there now. :p (65F today)
Tonight Jan 13 Showers 9° 30 %
Wed Jan 14 Few Showers 21°/8° 30 %
Thu Jan 15 Few Showers 18°/8° 30 %
Fri Jan 16 Few Showers 18°/7° 30 %
Sat Jan 17 Few Showers 20°/7° 30 %
Sun Jan 18 Partly Cloudy 19°/4° 20 %
Mon Jan 19 Mostly Sunny 19°/3° 20 %
Tue Jan 20 Mostly Sunny 21°/4° 10 %
Wed Jan 21 Mostly Sunny 21°/4° 0 %
Thu Jan 22 Mostly Sunny 22°/3° 0 %
(everything in Celcius)

unclehobart said:
I'm probably alone here in that I want a nasty cold snap to shoot through here as it will kill off a great deal of flies and mosquitos.

*raises hand*

Here's another request for a cold snap. Although it has dipped below freezing three times this "winter", the skeeters and gnats are alive and well. This summer will be infested with skeeters if we don't get a good, hard freeze of more than a few hours.

I have a proposition for our friends in Canadia: send a blast of cold air all the way to Floridia, and we'll send you some warm air early this spring.
Sounds good, eh? :canada:
MrBishop said:
...and Luis...what Leslie said!!

The minimum on the forecast is 3ºC, which feels fairly cold for us, but i like to post it so you can envy me (even when most of you know i'm freezing) :p :D ;)