We Do Not Torture

Wait til them mass graves we've been filling up
get reported in the liberal mass media.

It will be the end of the Bush hegemony fer sure.
Honestly, torture is and has always been a very useful tool for extracting information. In my opinion, any government that says they will not use it is:

A. stupid.
B. lying.

In case I wasn't clear enough, I approve of the use of torture when necessary. Or when having sex, but that's another debate, isn't it? :lol:
chcr said:
In my opinion, any government that says they will not use it is:

A. stupid.
B. lying.
Could it be both A & B? I'm having trouble deciding which one fits Bush best.
chcr said:
Honestly, torture is and has always been a very useful tool for extracting information. In my opinion, any government that says they will not use it is:

A. stupid.
B. lying.

In case I wasn't clear enough, I approve of the use of torture when necessary. Or when having sex, but that's another debate, isn't it? :lol:

No, it isn't a useful tool. It never has been. When you torture someone, they'll tell you what you want to hear, whether it is true or not.
Also, considering the "War on Terror" is supposedly the war of freedom against tyranny, then doesn't using methods of torture and violence sort of suggest that those ways of tyranny are the correct ways? Saddam Hussein really knew how to run a country? That is the basic admission when we strip all your rhetoric away, isn't it?

Someone had it right when they said the West's can only defeat the West - very true, if the West succumbs to paranoia and fear as a way of subjugating people. The true test of your principles is not how you apply them to yourself, but to your enemies.
chcr said:
Honestly, torture is and has always been a very useful tool for extracting information. In my opinion, any government that says they will not use it is:

A. stupid.
B. lying.

In case I wasn't clear enough, I approve of the use of torture when necessary. Or when having sex, but that's another debate, isn't it? :lol:

Now it is accurate ;)
Bobby Hogg said:
Also, considering the "War on Terror" is supposedly the war of freedom against tyranny, then doesn't using methods of torture and violence sort of suggest that those ways of tyranny are the correct ways? Saddam Hussein really knew how to run a country? That is the basic admission when we strip all your rhetoric away, isn't it?

Someone had it right when they said the West's can only defeat the West - very true, if the West succumbs to paranoia and fear as a way of subjugating people. The true test of your principles is not how you apply them to yourself, but to your enemies.

Bobby Hogg said:
Also, considering the "War on Terror" is supposedly the war of freedom against tyranny, then doesn't using methods of torture and violence sort of suggest that those ways of tyranny are the correct ways? Saddam Hussein really knew how to run a country? That is the basic admission when we strip all your rhetoric away, isn't it?

Someone had it right when they said the West's can only defeat the West - very true, if the West succumbs to paranoia and fear as a way of subjugating people. The true test of your principles is not how you apply them to yourself, but to your enemies.

The "War on Terror" is just like the "War on Drugs" or the "War on Poverty." Marketing.
Torture to protect me and mine from them and theirs? In a heartbeat.

P.S. re Saddam, you asked the wrong question. What's he on trial for?
chcr said:
Torture to protect me and mine from them and theirs? In a heartbeat.
So are you all for the American Beacon of Liberty completely ignoring the Geneva Convention?

By the way, these people are no threat to "you and yours".
flavio said:
So are you all for the American Beacon of Liberty completely ignoring the Geneva Convention?

By the way, these people are no threat to "you and yours".

Not all your beacons of tyranny are covered by the GC so be careful where you step.
flavio said:
So are you all for the American Beacon of Liberty completely ignoring the Geneva Convention?

By the way, these people are no threat to "you and yours".

We found out during the Vietnam war that torture doesn't work. Find a new bone to gnaw on, flavio...this one is too old.
flavio said:
So are you all for the American Beacon of Liberty completely ignoring the Geneva Convention?
re the Geneva Convention, None of the signatory countries abide by it if it doesn't suit their purposes, they do pay lip service to it though. I didn't make the world, I'm just trying to survive in it.
flavio said:
By the way, these people are no threat to "you and yours".
You assume incorrectly that you know which "them and theirs" I refer to. You think it makes you a better person to place yourself above such things. I say when it comes down to brass tacks I know where I stand. :shrug: I try to be honest with myself, and I can see that I'm just not all that civilized (neither is anyone else, civilization is a very thin and fragile veneer).

Edit: This is simply the way I feel about it, you can feel how you like.
chcr said:
The "War on Terror" is just like the "War on Drugs" or the "War on Poverty." Marketing.
Torture to protect me and mine from them and theirs? In a heartbeat.

P.S. re Saddam, you asked the wrong question. What's he on trial for?

Killing his enemies.

Again, torture isn't a reliable way of obtaining information. If you get dragged in on a charge you are completely innocent of, how do you react if you are tortured and threatened? You think they'll stop if you tell them you don't know anything or if you promise to tell the truth?
Gato_Solo said:
We found out during the Vietnam war that torture doesn't work. Find a new bone to gnaw on, flavio...this one is too old.
Right, it only works in the movies. Yet another reason to be against it.

By the way McCain's bill, Bush's lie, and Cheney's lobbying are all over the news right now. There's nothing old about this bone Gato.
flavio said:
Right, it only works in the movies. Yet another reason to be against it.

By the way McCain's bill, Bush's lie, and Cheney's lobbying are all over the news right now. There's nothing old about this bone Gato.

Just the way you bring it up...
chcr said:
re the Geneva Convention, None of the signatory countries abide by it if it doesn't suit their purposes, they do pay lip service to it though.
So we've broke new ground with a regime that's willing to openly declare their right to apply torture.

You assume incorrectly that you know which "them and theirs" I refer to.
Sorry, I assumed we were talking about the "them in theirs" being tortured in this thread.
Bobby Hogg said:
Killing his enemies.

Again, torture isn't a reliable way of obtaining information. If you get dragged in on a charge you are completely innocent of, how do you react if you are tortured and threatened? You think they'll stop if you tell them you don't know anything or if you promise to tell the truth?
*sigh* We're talking about apples and oranges. There is a very large difference between indiscriminate torture and using psychological and physical means to extract information from people that you know have it. We've become too squeamish as a society. It doesn't bode well for our survival.

Saddam is not on trial for torture, rape rooms (which aren't illegal in any case, women are property) or for killing. He is specifically on trial for using poison gas on the Kurds. Wanna bet he gets off?