Welcom ash_r!

wheeeee!!! i missed you kuu! how the heck is everything?? pm me!

hi everyone else!

my name's ash, i'm 16, i live in maryland. my favorite color is pink, i like rubber duckies, cats, bats, giraffes... i'm obsessed with alice in wonderland. and hello kitty. and journaling.
i'm kind of a ditz, i guess. but, a nice ditz :) you all will love me (or else...! :p).
visit my website, at www.angelfire.com/wizard/alice0 ^_^

this seems like a really nice place. it's so great to see those of you who posted at jjr's but dont anymore... i missed you all! i'll be sure to post at least semi-often!
welcome to OTC........you know the rules.......beer and pizza......or tacos :D
Give us an H!!!
Give us an E!!!
Give us an L!!!
Give us an L!!!
Give us an O!!!


Welcome. :)
Woops. Missed this one.


Welcome and post lots. Just ignore what we say about your bro. ;)
ash! *hugs you tight* .. I'm glad to see you, hun ... hope everything is going well with you .. I've been up to my eyeballs in work and school *sigh* .. but it's starting to settle down a bit ... *hugs you again* .. I'm glad to see you, girl :)