welcome, pandora, our 800th member!

:rofl: Doesn't it get tiresome being right all the time - what would the neighbours say? Oh well, good to see you have kept your sense of humour about it :p
Gonz said:
Be nice GNL or I'll be forced to report you to the PC police. AT understands me, doncha AT :D

if that were true she wouldn't misspell check

I'll be good...

AT understands Zulu though, doesn't mean it makes sense to me! :D
Hey AT, gonz can't spell 'the' correctly, let alone some of the bigger words. Besides, those damned americans always forget to put the 'u's in so we can't expect them to correctly spell cheque. *points and laughs* :p
Welcome to OTC, Pandora.

Don't forget that the doors to the asylum never close, so you can show up anytime. :)

My favorite Chess pick up line?

Hey...can I check and mate?
I like that, Gonz. Chiefly british variant. Variant. It's our fucking language. Yours is the fucking variant. Ours is the original.
Yeah, I commented much the same in the shoutbox the other day when a silly yank laughed at me for 'misspelling' civilisation. Damned pervasive yank illiteracy! :retard:
BeardofPants said:
Yeah, I commented much the same in the shoutbox the other day when a silly yank laughed at me for 'misspelling' civilisation. Damned pervasive yank illiteracy! :retard:
HEy! ! I Ain't illtrate (or any of them other trates niether). :tardbang:
Gonz said:
HEY!!!. I'm always nice. You may not like what I'm saying but I'm always nice AND DON"T YOU FORGET IT!!!!!

ohhhh there was something I need to remember about this..... but I cant remember! thnk Eric think.... dammit i am drawing a blank!
Professur said:
I like that, Gonz. Chiefly british variant. Variant. It's our fucking language. Yours is the fucking variant. Ours is the original.

Merriam webster online :shrug:

Wait, what do you mean "our" language. Yer a damned Scot. Nobody unsderstands them. Even the Irish look double at you.
Ooh, I like Scottish accents! And Irish..........and Welsh..........ah face it, I'm a sucker for a man with an accent :shrug: