welcome, pandora, our 800th member!

......and all that was left was hope......

Welcome Pan.......have fun at da madhouse! :D
Welcome. Congrats on being number 800, a distinction of some kind, I'm almost sure. :D

BTW, don't open the box.
*cringing anticipating all of the box jokes about to follow*

Welcome, Pandora! :wave:
ok i'll be nice and wont ask about it. :)

Welcome to the asylum and have fun.
BeardofPants said:
Good god, gonz is being friendly. :eek: You want to hump her leg or something ? :alienhuh:

Welcome, and thanks for the flies. :nerd:

HEY!!!. I'm always nice. You may not like what I'm saying but I'm always nice AND DON"T YOU FORGET IT!!!!!
Hey there Pandora welcome & hope you have fun.

And yes, Gonz is always really nice, considerate of others' feelings, open minded and very progressive in thought. If you ever have a problem you can (and should) feel free to discuss it with him in an open, non-threatening forum, his forté are of course political problems, but touchy-feelyness is not lost on him either since he understands that political views often tie in with emotional reactions and opinions are subjective. Gonz is not blind to the facts of the world we live in and fully embraces diversity in all trains of thought................as long as everyone keeps in mind that he is always right ;)

*erm Big G....your cheque bounced, reckon I'm gonna receive payment any time soon?*
AlphaTroll said:
Hey there Pandora welcome & hope you have fun.

And yes, Gonz is always really nice, considerate of others' feelings, open minded and very progressive in thought. If you ever have a problem you can (and should) feel free to discuss it with him in an open, non-threatening forum, his forté are of course political problems, but touchy-feelyness is not lost on him either since he understands that political views often tie in with emotional reactions and opinions are subjective. Gonz is not blind to the facts of the world we live in and fully embraces diversity in all trains of thought................as long as everyone keeps in mind that he is always right ;)


Welcome btw...
Be nice GNL or I'll be forced to report you to the PC police. AT understands me, doncha AT :D

if that were true she wouldn't misspell check
It's CHEQUE.........dammit :p Check is something you do with your eyes man....as in "check that lekker stukkie ou's" :D

(and sadly, yes, you are starting to make sense to me....the doctor said it will pass once I start doubling my medication though :winkkiss: )
Main Entry: 1check
Pronunciation: 'chek
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English chek, from Middle French eschec, from Arabic shAh, from Persian, literally, king; akin to Greek ktasthai to acquire, Sanskrit ksatra dominion
1 : exposure of a chess king to an attack from which he must be protected or moved to safety
2 a : a sudden stoppage of a forward course or progress : ARREST b : a checking of an opposing player (as in ice hockey)
3 : a sudden pause or break in a progression
5 : one that arrests, limits, or restrains : RESTRAINT <against all checks, rebukes, and manners, I must advance -- Shakespeare>
6 a : a standard for testing and evaluation : CRITERION b : EXAMINATION c : INSPECTION, INVESTIGATION <a loyalty check on government employees> d : the act of testing or verifying; also : the sample or unit used for testing or verifying
7 : a written order directing a bank to pay money as instructed : DRAFT
8 a : a ticket or token showing ownership or identity or indicating payment made <a baggage check> b : a counter in various games c : a slip indicating the amount due : BILL
9 [Middle English chek, short for cheker checker] a : a pattern in squares that resembles a checkerboard b : a fabric woven or printed with such a design
10 : a mark typically <check> placed beside an item to show it has been noted, examined, or verified
- check·less /'che-kl&s/ adjective
- in check : under restraint or control

Main Entry: cheque
chiefly British variant of 1CHECK 7

