Welcome to Missouri!

*sings* I have a loyal cohort, I have a loyal cohort... (sorry, that was for kale)

I would also like to point out that I too was raised in a military family. My father fought in the first Persian Gulf war, my mother stayed at home to raise three kids. She worked when she could in order to support our family. I was raised in trailer parks as we moved from state to state as my dad worked his way up the ranks in the military. The family values that my parents instilled in me were these:

Family comes first. When a member of your family is in trouble, nothing else matters. Even if you have issues with the person, you should do whatever you can to help them.

Help people. Doesn't matter who they are... stop for stranded people on the side of the road, give what you can to charity, you never know when you might be the person needing help.

Respect people no matter who they are. There are no such things as race, religion, or sexuality. We are all humans and this is what we must hold on to. This is our common ground.

Loyalty and love are the two best gifts you can give anyone.

This is why, even in a deeply southern household such as my own, that when I came out I had the full support of my family. There is not a person to whom I'm related that wouldn't stand up for me to anyone who thought they were better than me because I was gay and they weren't.

You won't meet a family that understands the bonds that family ties hold more than my family. My family is the most important thing in my life, just as any family I might have will be to me.

I know that I've covered this before, but Kale brought it up, and quite frankly it really burns me that anyone would have the balls to say that homosexuals don't see marriage the same way as hetero's do...

For someone who ended a post stating that I brought no facts to the table but only attempted to make emotions sound like logical arguments, where is your basis for this? Do some Research Monkey and bring me some facts that prove your completely asinine opinion holds a single shred of truth.

I dont think anyone can post here from a cel phone though I am not totally sure about that. BUt to be honest I want you and to say how you both feel about marriage
Kale has a Superhero Homophone (aka T Mobile Sidekick) so she has access to post but we lost signal in the bar we were in and it cause some error which created the half post. She's an uber geeky cyber lesbo.

*sigh* So what's up Gonz? Attacking BoP seems easy enough (Thanks for backing us BoP) why not answer some of the points I brought up? Or am I not offering much in the way of debate for you either?

kale said:
Homosexuals can't do that?

Is there something in my obviously tainted genes that prevent me from doing so?

Apparently you don't understand the meaning of HOMO.

*sigh* So what's up Gonz? Attacking BoP seems easy enough (Thanks for backing us BoP) why not answer some of the points I brought up? Or am I not offering much in the way of debate for you either?

I've already answered questions only to have them ignored.
[b] said:
Well, that was an easy out... nothing to say about what my response?

Note the phrase "in brief" , for your benifit alone. (or do I need to clairfy further next time?) . I do not wake to see what the B wrote each day nor do I soley focus on you in the forum.

You read all the recent threads on homosexuality, yet you have not addressed the majority of the issue. In fact much of what you posted has aleady been posted in far more depth then you bring to table (Although they were far less theatrical than yours were)

Me thinks you just wants to quash me (us), I think you were brought back from the beyond to take me down, I see you have now brought a friend that has joined to at least observe the banter. So do you collaborate, congratulate, and celebrate as you hit the ‘post’ button each time? How many more will you bring to the table to silence the opposition.

Let me be clear on this; your expectations of me are not very high on my list of things to do. So again, do not flatter yourself.

Actually I have two more personal letters to attend to, read some email and may neeed to respond to several of them. I also have a date to read a book or two to the kids tonight. then I was thinking about playing a round-or-two of UT4 tonight to relax and have some fun for a change.

then I may read your post again.
Gonz said:
Who's bigoted? Oh, it must be you BoP;

Nuh uh. I merely called you names. :p

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French:grinyes:, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
[b] said:
(Thanks for backing us BoP)

No prob.:)

It's funny, I'm hetero and have "permission" to get married, but choose not to (don't believe in it); you are gay, and don't even get that choice. Why must humans always seek to denigrate a class of humans to second class? :alienhuh:
Where, in this instance, do you find that to be the case? Nobody is stopping from finding a nice girl & getting married. It seems to be his choice in partners that is the issue. Isn't it always, as you point out. You've made a choice. If everybody has a right to marry & they wish to marry YOU, what then?
That's not what I was talking about, and you know it. *handonhip *could* marry a nice girl, but he wouldn't be in love with her/attracted to her (unless of course, she had killer pants). One would hope that a prime motivator for getting married would be that you were in love with the person, and since could never conceivably fall in love with a "nice girl", then it's not really his choice is it? :rolleyes:
It takes a man and woman to marry by definition and spirit of the rite (law).
Heterosexuality is a part of that spirit of the rite.

What is being asked is to change the spirit of the rite and the definition of the word. The implications of the lifestyle are quite different and they are not the same type of relationship on most every level.
How do you figure that? because they are attracted to one of the same sex? I am sure feels the same love for his bf as I am sure anyone in a hetero relationship would love their S.O. So how is it different? or is it because you disagree it is different on almost every level?
Love, the emotion, is just one atribute of relationship. Can you think of more? If love is the simple standard, everyone should marry everyone or anything.
ResearchMonkey said:
Gay people and straight people do not see marriage the same. Gay people see it as a declaration of love only. Straight people too see it as love but they also see it as the beginning of a family, a chance to grow the community and further the wholesome ideals of society.

We do?

Did I miss a "straight person" memo or summit?

Cos when I marry it'll be a public declaration of the mutual love I have for my fiance...

Amazing what you learn about the way you're supposed to think and feel.. init?
Hang tight Claire, he may just go into how we should feel about parenting next. Then maybe he'll teach us to drive.
PuterTutor said:
Hang tight Claire, he may just go into how we should feel about parenting next. Then maybe he'll teach us to drive.

You outa the loop too?...

For years I really thought I was up on most things...
